

DreamFactory Helm Chart

This project is an alpha, please proceed with caution using this in production.

Quick Start

Customize your system by modifying the values.yaml file.

To start the instance you can run: $ helm install dreamfactory .

Then follow the notes that get printed out to setup port forwarding.

Overriding Configuration Variables

Default DreamFactory behavior can be modified using environment variables managed in the root directory .env file. You can view a complete list of variables in the guide. If you'd like to modify these variables using Helm, open the Values.yaml file and add the variables and their associated values to the image dictionary, like so:

  repository: dreamfactorysoftware/dreamfactory
  pullPolicy: Always
  tag: "4.9.0"
    app_log_level: debug

Next, open the templates/deployment.yaml file and add an env dictionary to the parent container dictionary, like so:

    - name: APP_LOG_LEVEL
    value: warning

Exposing External IP with Ingress

$ kubectl expose deployment dreamfactory --type=LoadBalancer --name=<service-name>

After a minute you can then run the following command to see the external IP.

$ kubectl get services