<div align="center"> <picture> <source media="(prefers-color-scheme: dark)" srcset="./docs/img/banner-light.png"> <img src="./docs/img/banner-dark.png" alt="Univer" width="400" /> </picture>The Ultimate Office Suite of the Next Generation. <br /> Extensible. High-performance. Embedded to your application.
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</div> <details open> <summary> <strong>Table of contents</strong> </summary>- 🌈 Highlights
- ✨ Features
- 🌐 Internationalization
- 👾 Showcase<!-- - [📦 Ecosystem](#-ecosystem) -->
- 💬 Community
- 🤝 Contribution
- ❤️ Sponsor
- 📄 License
🌈 Highlights
- 📈 Univer is designed to support spreadsheets, documents and presentation.
- ⚙️ Univer is easily embeddable, allowing seamless integration into your applications.
- 🎇 Univer is powerful, offering a wide range of features including formulas, conditional formatting, data validation, filtering, collaborative editing, printing, import & export and more features on the horizon.
- 🔌 Univer is highly extensible, thanks to its plug-in architecture and Facade API that makes it a delight for developers to implement their unique requirements on the top of Univer.
- 💄 Univer is highly customizable, allowing you to personalize its appearance using themes. It also provides support for internationalization (i18n).
- ⚡ Univer in performant.
- ✏️ Univer boasts an efficient rendering engine based on canvas, capable of rendering various document types flawlessly. The rendering engines supports advanced typesetting features such as punctuation squeezing, text and image layout and scroll buffering.
- 🧮 Univer incorporates a lightning-fast formula engine that can operate in Web Workers or even on the server side.
- 🌌 Univer is a highly integrated system. Documents, spreadsheets and slides can interoperate with each others and even rendered on the same canvas, allowing information and data flow within Univer.
✨ Features
Univer provides a wide range of features for spreadsheets, documents and presentations. Here are some of the key features:
📊 Univer Sheet
- Core Features: Univer supports core spreadsheet functionality, including cells, rows, columns, worksheets, and workbooks.
- Formulas: Extensive support for various formulas, including mathematical, statistical, logical, text, date and time, lookup and reference, engineering, financial, and information formulas.
- Permissions: Allows restricting access to specific elements.
- Number Formatting: Supports formatting numbers based on specific criteria.
- Hyperlinks: Enables linking to external websites, email addresses, and other locations within a spreadsheet.
- Floating Images: Allows inserting images into a spreadsheet and positioning them anywhere on the sheet.
- Find & Replace: Provides the ability to search for specific text within a spreadsheet and replace it with other text.
- Filtering: Allows filtering data based on specific criteria.
- Sorting: Allows sorting data based on specific criteria.
- Data Validation: Supports restricting the type of data that can be entered into a cell.
- Conditional Formatting: Supports applying formatting to cells based on specific criteria.
- Comments: Enables adding comments to cells to provide additional information.
- Pivot Tables1: Supports pivot tables, allowing users to summarize and analyze data.
- Collaborative Editing1: Supports multiple users editing a spreadsheet simultaneously.
- Printing1: Allows printing a spreadsheet or exporting it to PDF.
- Import & Export1: Support for importing and exporting data in XLSX.
- Charts2: Third-party chart support via VChart.
📝 Univer Doc (Under Development)
- Core Features: Univer supports core document features, including paragraphs, headings, lists, superscript, subscript, and more.
- Lists: Supports ordered lists, unordered lists, and task lists.
- Hyperlinks: Supports inserting links to external websites, email addresses, and other locations within a document.
- Floating Images: Allows inserting images into a document and supporting text and image layout.
- Headers & Footers: Allows adding headers and footers to a document.
- Comments: Enables adding comments to a document to provide additional information.
- Import1: Supports importing data in DOCX format.
- Collaborative Editing1: Supports multiple users editing a document simultaneously.
📽️ Univer Slide (Under Development)
- Core Features: Univer will support core presentation features, including slides, shapes, text, images, and more.
🌐 Internationalization
Univer supports multiple languages, including:
and en-US
are officially supported, while the others are contributed by the community.
You can add the language you want by Using Custom Locales. You can also help us add new language support by referring to the contribution guide.
👾 Showcase
You can find all the examples in the Univer Examples.
💬 Community
Univer is an inclusive and welcoming project. Please read our Code of Conduct before participating in the community.
Join the Univer community:
- Chat with us and other developers on Discord.
- Start a discussion on GitHub Discussions.
- Open a topic on Stack Overflow and tag it with
You can also find Univer on:
🤝 Contribution
We appreciate any kinds of contributing. You can submit issues or feature requests to us. Please read our contributing guide first.
If you would like to contribute code to Univer, please refer to the contributing guide as well. It would guide you through the process of setting up the development environment and submitting a pull request.
❤️ Sponsors
The growth and development of the Univer project rely on the support of its backers and sponsors. If you are interested in supporting our project, we kindly invite you to consider becoming a sponsor. You can sponsor us through Open Collective.
Thanks to our sponsors, just part of them are listed here because of the space limit, ranking is no particular order:
📄 License
Copyright © 2021-2024 DreamNum Co,Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Apache-2.0 license.
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