

<p align="center"> <img src="docs/assets/rigging.png" alt="rigging" width="300" align='center'/> </p> <h3 align="center"> Simplify using LLMs in code </h3> <h4 align="center"> <img alt="PyPI - Python Version" src="https://img.shields.io/pypi/pyversions/rigging"> <img alt="PyPI - Version" src="https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/rigging"> <img alt="GitHub License" src="https://img.shields.io/github/license/dreadnode/rigging"> <img alt="GitHub Actions Workflow Status" src="https://img.shields.io/github/actions/workflow/status/dreadnode/rigging/ci.yml"> </h4> </br>

Rigging is a lightweight LLM framework built on Pydantic XML. The goal is to make leveraging language models in production code as simple and effective as possible. Here are the highlights:

import rigging as rg

async def get_authors(count: int = 3) -> list[str]:
    """Provide famous authors."""

print(await get_authors())

# ['William Shakespeare', 'J.K. Rowling', 'Jane Austen']

Rigging is built by dreadnode where we use it daily.


We publish every version to Pypi:

pip install rigging

If you want to build from source:

cd rigging/
poetry install

Supported LLMs

Rigging will run just about any language model:

API Keys

Pass the api_key in an generator id or use standard environment variables.

export OPENAI_API_KEY=...
export MISTRAL_API_KEY=...

Check out the docs for more.

Getting Started

Check out the guide in the docs

  1. Get a generator using a connection string.
  2. Build a chat or completion pipeline
  3. Run the pipeline and get the output.
import rigging as rg
import asyncio

async def main():
    # 1 - Get a generator
    generator = rg.get_generator("claude-3-sonnet-20240229")

    # 2 - Build a chat pipeline
    pipeline = generator.chat(
            {"role": "system", "content": "Talk like a pirate."},
            {"role": "user", "content": "Say hello!"},

    # 3 - Run the pipeline
    chat = await pipeline.run()

# Run the main function

# [system]: Talk like a pirate.
# [user]: Say hello!
# [assistant]: Ahoy, matey! Here be the salty sea dog ready to trade greetings wit' ye. Arrr!

Want more?



rigging.dreadnode.io has everything you need.

Star History

Star History Chart