


A nushell plugin for querying prometheus




A prometheus plugin can be queried directly with --url:

"up" | prometheus query --source https://test.prometheus.example/

Nushell plugin configuration can be used to save configure prometheus sources including mTLS.

$env.config.plugins.prometheus = {
  sources: {
    prod: {
      url: "https://prod.prometheus.example/"
      cert: ( $env.HOME | path join ".config/nu_plugin_prometheus/user.crt" )
      key: ( $env.HOME | path join ".config/nu_plugin_prometheus/user.pk8.key" )
      cacert: ( $env.HOME | path join ".config/nu_plugin_prometheus/ca.crt" )

The key must be in PKCS#8 format. You can convert a PEM key with:

openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -inform PEM -outform DER -in user.key -out user.pk8.key

Use --source or -s to use a configured source:

"up" | prometheus query --source prod



Pipe a prometheus query to prometheus query for an instant query:

"up" | prometheus query --url https://prometheus.example:9090/

This will output a table:

up{job: prometheus, instance: prometheus.example:9090}11435781451
up{job: node, instance: prometheus.example:9100}01435781451


A range query requires --start, --end and --step arguments:

"up" | prometheus query range --url https://prometheus.example:9090/ --start ((date now) - 30sec) --end (date now) --step 15sec
up{job: prometheus, instance: prometheus.example:9090}[{value: 1, timestamp: 1435781430}, {value: 1, timestamp: 1435781445} {value: 1, timestamp: 1435781460}]
up{job: node, instance: prometheus.example:9100}[{value: 0, timestamp: 1435781430}, {value: 0, timestamp: 1435781445} {value: 1, timestamp: 1435781460}]

Flattening labels

Adding --flatten will flatten labels into each row.

"up" | prometheus query --url https://prometheus.example:9090/ --flatten



If a metric uses "name" as a label it will overwrite the "name" column.

For a range query the values are not flattened.

Label names

Retrieve labels names with:

prometheus label names --url https://prometheus.example:9090/

Label names can be filtered by selector as input, and by time with --start and --end.

To query "up" label names:

"up" | prometheus label names --url https://prometheus.example:9090/

Label values

Retrieve labels values with:

"version" | prometheus label values --url https://prometheus.example:9090/

Label values can be filtered by name as input, by time with --start and --end, and by selector as extra arguments.

To query "version" label values for the "postgres" job:

"version" | prometheus label values --url https://prometheus.example:9090/ 'job="postgres"'

Metric metadata

Retrieve metric metadata with:

prometheus metric metadata --url https://prometheus.example:9090/

This may take some time, so supply a metric name as input or supply --limit to reduce the number of records retrieved. Use --limit-per-metric to reduce the number of metadata items retrieved per metric.


Retrieve series matching the given label set with:

[up process_start_time_seconds{job="prometheus"}] |
prometheus series -s home

Series are retrieved using a selector given as input. Series retrived may be filtered by time with --start and --end.


Retreive prometheus target discovery with:

prometheus targets --url https://prometheus.example:9090/

This retrives targets in either the active or dropped states. The any argument alse retrieves both states.

Use active, or dropped to directly filter active or dropped targets. This will output only the selected state.