

<div align=center><img src="https://drawcall.github.io/Proton/images/logo/proton.png"/></div>
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Proton is a lightweight and powerful Javascript particle animation library. Use it to easily create a variety of cool particle effects.

Check out examples at http://drawcall.github.io/Proton/. The 3D version of the proton engine is here here. An available react version is here.



See detailed documentation please visit https://projects.jpeer.at/proton/. Thank you very much @matsu7089 for writing a good tutorial.


Install using npm

Note: NPM package-name has been changed from proton-js to proton-engine

npm install proton-engine --save
import Proton from "proton-engine";

OR include in html

<script type="text/javascript" src="js/proton.min.js"></script>


Proton is very simple to use, a dozen lines of code can create a particle animation.

const proton = new Proton();
const emitter = new Proton.Emitter();

//set Rate
emitter.rate = new Proton.Rate(Proton.getSpan(10, 20), 0.1);

//add Initialize
emitter.addInitialize(new Proton.Radius(1, 12));
emitter.addInitialize(new Proton.Life(2, 4));
emitter.addInitialize(new Proton.Velocity(3, Proton.getSpan(0, 360), "polar"));

//add Behaviour
emitter.addBehaviour(new Proton.Color("ff0000", "random"));
emitter.addBehaviour(new Proton.Alpha(1, 0));

//set emitter position
emitter.p.x = canvas.width / 2;
emitter.p.y = canvas.height / 2;

//add emitter to the proton

// add canvas renderer
const renderer = new Proton.CanvasRenderer(canvas);


Proton has now been upgraded to the v4 version. Performance has been greatly improved and api also has some improvements. For more details, please check here.


node is a dependency, use terminal to install it with:

git clone git://github.com/drawcall/Proton.git

npm install
npm run build

And run example

npm start
//vist http://localhost:3001/example/


Detailed changes for each release are documented in the release notes.


Proton is released under the MIT License. http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license