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<img src="DRAK-0-LOGO.png" alt="DRAK-0 Logo" style="position:relative;left:25%;width:50%;image-rendering:crisp-edges;-ms-interpolation-mode:nearest-neighbor;image-render:-webkit-optimize-contrast;image-rendering:-moz-crisp-edges;image-rendering:-o-crisp-edges;" />


A fantasy console written in C++ using SFML and using ChaiScript for scripting.

Community Links

Technical Information

NOTE: these are intended features, they are not yet available.

Building (Visual Studio 2017)

NOTE: Currently this is the only build option available.

The repo contains a Solution file "DRAK-0.sln" and the folder "DRAK-0" contains the actual project "DRAK-0.vcxproj" and its resources. This is done in case additional apps are created to go along with DRAK-0.

You should just be able to build and run it. Easy peasy. :)


Vcpkg Dependencies

  1. SFML I've switched over to using vcpkg for depending on SFML. NOTE: To use them yourself you will need to install vcpkg and install SFML using one or all of the following:

    vcpkg install sfml:x86-windows-static
    vcpkg install sfml:x64-windows-static

Other Dependencies

  1. ChaiScript this is added into the repo manually from github.
  2. Boost.Nowide this is added into repo manually from github.
  3. randutils this is added into the repo manually from github.