

imgui-pas 1.53

Pascal bindings for dear imgui (AKA ImGui) https://github.com/ocornut/imgui

ImGui is a bloat-free graphical user interface library for C++. It outputs vertex buffers that you can render in your 3D-pipeline enabled application. It is portable, renderer agnostic and self-contained (no external dependencies). It is based on an "immediate mode" graphical user interface paradigm which enables you to build user interfaces with ease.


Builds with Freepascal 3.0.0 and later, other compilers are untested (it should support 2.6.0 and higher though). Both 32 and 64bit builds work.


These bindings wrap the C functions exported from cimgui library, so you need a recent cimgui build to use them. The current version is based on ImGui 1.53. Windows 32/64bit builds of cimgui are included in releases.

Copy sources and cimgui binary to your project folder. See the examples for how to integrate it with your rendering pipeline and the "getting started" section in imgui.cpp. There's also a very basic demo program that draws some ImGui windows in a SDL2 window with OpenGL context. It includes pre-build versions of cimgui, if you don't want to build it on your own.



See Also


This is a thin c-api wrapper for the excellent C++ intermediate gui imgui. This library is intended as a intermediate layer to be able to use imgui from other languages that can interface with C .


An ImGui wrapper for .NET Core.