


Generate phzr clojurescript files based on JSON data built from parsing jsdoc comments in Phaser javascript source.



Generate jsdoc JSON

To generate the resources/phaser.json file required by gen-phzr, first change into the resources/phaser-src directory. Then run the following commands:

grunt clean
grunt pixidoc
grunt gitclone:plugins
grunt jsdoc:json

Install whatever grunt/node packages are necessary to make those commands run successfully. Once they've all run without error, copy the generated JSON file into the gen-phzr project resources:

cp out/docs.json ../phaser.json

Generate phzr code

Change back into the gen-phzr project root directory and run:

lein run

All generated files will be copied into the out/ directory.

Manual Edits

Some generated files require hand-tweaking because:

  1. I am lazy and the code to fix them programmatically is somewhat cumbersome

Apply the following changes once the source files have been generated:

Fix array-set/call-all - 2015-08-15

The array-set/call-all function should take varargs. This is not conveyed by the jsdoc JSON clearly. The function def should look like:

(defn call-all
"Calls a function on all members of this list, using the member as the context
for the callback.

  If the `key` property is present it must be a function.
  The function is invoked using the item as the context.

    * array-set (Phaser.ArraySet) - Targeted instance for method
    * key (string) - The name of the property with the function to call.
    * parameters (*) - Additional parameters that will be passed to the callback."
  ([array-set key & parameters]
    (.callAll array-set
              (clj->phaser key)
              (clj->phaser parameters)))))

Add keyboard key constants - 2015-08-15

The Phaser.Keyboard class has a bunch of undocumented constants so the accessor map for those will have to be added to the impl/accessors/keyboard.cljs file manually.

As well, the phzr.keyboard/const function will need to be defined as follows:

(defn const
  (when-let [cn (get phzr.impl.accessors.keyboard/keyboard-constants k)]
    (aget js/Phaser.Keyboard cn)))


I'm sure there are some. This app was cobbled together hastily in order to get phzr up and running. Maybe someone will find it useful? I hope so!

Copyright © 2015 Dylan Paris

Distributed under the MIT license.