

WebIOPi-0.7.1 Patch for Raspberry B+, Pi2, Pi3, and Pi4

You have full access to all header pins (40 pins) on the Web interface.


$ wget http://sourceforge.net/projects/webiopi/files/WebIOPi-0.7.1.tar.gz
$ tar xvzf WebIOPi-0.7.1.tar.gz
$ cd WebIOPi-0.7.1
$ wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/doublebind/raspi/master/webiopi-pi2bplus.patch
$ patch -p1 -i webiopi-pi2bplus.patch
$ sudo ./setup.sh

How to Start WebIOPi

Follow the steps below if Raspbian is installed by NOOBS later than 1.4.2.

$ cd /etc/systemd/system/
$ sudo wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/doublebind/raspi/master/webiopi.service
$ sudo systemctl start webiopi
$ sudo systemctl enable webiopi