

.NET Docs

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This repository contains the conceptual documentation for .NET. The .NET documentation site is built from multiple repositories in addition to this one:

Our team's tasks are tracked in our project boards. You'll see monthly sprint projects, along with long-running projects for major documentation updates. The projects contain documentation issues across the repositories that build .NET docs. Issues are tracked in the relevant repositories. We have a large community using these resources. We make our best effort to respond to issues in a timely fashion. To create a new issue, click the "Open a documentation issue" button at the bottom of any of our published docs, or choose one of the available templates. The control at the bottom of each article automatically routes you to the correct repo and fills in some relevant information based on the article.

:purple_heart: Contribute

We welcome contributions to help us improve and complete the .NET docs. This is a very large repo, covering a large area. If this is your first visit, see the Contributor guide for information on working with us. Look for issues labeled help wanted :label: for ideas to get started.

Before submitting a PR with 3rd party dependencies, see our policy on 3rd party dependencies.

We work to merge or close PRs in a timely fashion. We regularly review and approve PRs. We encourage contributors to respond to comments in a similar timely fashion. Many times, reviews identify small changes such as spelling or grammar issues, or word choice. Maintainers can accept those suggestions and merge the PR. In other situations, maintainers ask for more significant changes before a PR is ready to merge. We expect contributors to make those changes. Maintainers will help by answering questions or pointing to other resources, if needed.

We consider PRs to be abandoned when they've had no activity (either commits or discussion) in the past 30 days. Team members will close PRs that have been abandoned. Contributors can reopen and continue to work.

:bookmark_tabs: Code of conduct

This project has adopted the code of conduct defined by the Contributor Covenant to clarify expected behavior in our community. For more information, see the .NET Foundation: Code of Conduct.

:octocat: GitHub Action workflows