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This repository contains the code for the System.CommandLine libraries and the dotnet-suggest global tool.


System.CommandLineNugetCommand line parser, model binding, invocation, shell completions
System.CommandLine.DragonFruitNugetBuild command-line apps by convention with a strongly-typed Main method
System.CommandLine.HostingNugetsupport for using System.CommandLine with Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting
dotnet-suggestNugetA command-line tool to provide shell completions for apps built using System.CommandLine.

Daily Builds

Daily builds are available if you add this feed to your nuget.config: https://pkgs.dev.azure.com/dnceng/public/_packaging/dotnet-libraries/nuget/v3/index.json

Versions are listed at: https://dev.azure.com/dnceng/public/_artifacts/feed/dotnet-libraries/NuGet/System.CommandLine/versions


The System.CommandLine documentation can now be found at Microsoft Learn.

Code of Conduct

This project has adopted the code of conduct defined by the Contributor Covenant to clarify expected behavior in our community. For more information, see the .NET Foundation Code of Conduct


See the Contributing guide for developer documentation.


This project is licensed under the MIT license.

.NET Foundation

.NET is a .NET Foundation project.