

Blazor - app building workshop

Welcome to the Blazor app building workshop!

Blazor is a single-page app framework for building client-side web apps using .NET and WebAssembly. In this workshop we will build a complete Blazor app and learn about the various Blazor framework features along the way.

Blazing Pizza

Getting Started

Go ahead and clone this repo to your machine, then dive in and get started!


Session #0Get bits installed and build your first Blazor app
Session #1Get started with components, create the app layout
Session #2Add customized pizzas to orders
Session #3Show order status
Session #4Refactor state management
Session #5Checkout with validation
Session #6Authenticate users and authorize access to order status
Session #7Track order status on a real time map
Session #8Create and use components with template parameters
Session #9Progressive Web App (PWA) features
Session #10Deploy your app to Azure