

eShop on Dapr

Find new samples for Dapr and .NET on the official Dapr website and on the Dapr GitHub. Additionally, be sure to see the Azure Container Apps Landing Zone with Dapr support.

A sample .NET Core distributed application based on eShopOnContainers, powered by Dapr. The current version targets .NET 7.

The accompanying e-book Dapr for .NET developers uses the sample code in this repository to demonstrate Dapr features and benefits. You can read the online version and download the PDF for free.


Dapr enables developers using any language or framework to easily write microservices. It addresses many of the challenges found that come along with distributed applications, such as:

eShopOnDapr evolves (or, Daprizes, if you will) the earlier eShopOnContainers application by integrating Dapr building blocks and components:

eShopOnDapr reference application architecture.

As focus of the eShopOnDapr reference application is on Dapr, the original application has been updated. The updated architecture consists of:

Getting started

eShopOnDapr runs in containers and requires Docker to run. There are various ways to start the application:

Note that it will take a little while to start all containers. eShopOnDapr includes a health UI that you can use to see if the containers are ready. You can access it at http://localhost:5107.

When all microservices are healthy, you can navigate to http://localhost:5104 to view the eShopOnDapr UI.


Model photo by Angelo Pantazis on Unsplash