

dotfiles.github.io Build Status

Source for dotfiles.github.io, your unofficial guide to doing dotfiles on GitHub.

See the CONTRIBUTING guide for creating great pull requests.

Quick start

Install project dependencies:


Boot local web server to preview changes:


You can now browse to http://localhost:8484 to preview changes.

Publishing changes

Once you're satisfied with your changes, push your topic branch to your remote and open a pull request in the canonical repo at dotfiles/dotfiles.github.com. If your patch is accepted, a project maintainer will merge your changes and publish them to GitHub Pages.

Updating star counts

Some pages of the site order content by star count; these are updated automatically by the update-star-counts.yml GitHub Action.

Follow these instructions to create a personal access token for GitHub.


Copyright (c) Wynn Netherland and Adam Jahnke. See LICENSE for details.