


You can find the most recent version at the mw-fw-rtos GitLab project page. This repository will be kept as is, and will not be updated anymore.


Firmare for the ESP8266 WiFi module installed in MegaWiFi cartridges. This firmware talks directly to the MegaWiFi API (mw-api) running on the Genesis/MegaDrive console, allowing it to connect to WiFi access points, and to send and receive data through The Internet using standard TCP and UDP protocols. There are some additional goodies provided by the firmware, like flash read/write functions and SNTP time synchronization.


This firmware is based on ESP8266_RTOS_SDK. Follow the SDK instructions to install the toolchain and build the firmware. Currently this project builds against release/v3.4 branch, so make sure to check it out.

To burn the built firmware, edit the following line of the Makefile, and make sure it points to your installation of the mdma utility:

MDMAP ?= $(HOME)/src/github/mw-mdma-cli/mdma

The recommended way of burning the firmware to the ESP8266 embedded on a MegaWiFi cartridge is using a MegaWiFi Programmer along with mw-mdma-cli tool. If you installed mw-mdma-cli tool and edited the path as instructed above, you can burn the firmware just by connecting the cart and the programmer to a PC. The first time you burn the firmware, you have to write the bootloader, the partitions and the firmware blob itself:

$ make boot
$ make partitions
$ make cart

Then, when you need to update the firmware, you just need to run the last command (make cart), no need to burn the boot and partitions again.


This firmware, paired with the mw-api running on a Megadrive/Genesis, allows the console to:


This program has been written by doragasu. This is part of MegaWiFi project.


Contributions are welcome. If you find a bug please open an issue, and if you have implemented a cool feature/improvement, please send a pull request.


This program is provided with NO WARRANTY, under the GPLv3 license. Make sure you also check ESP8266_RTOS_SDK for its license terms.