

Elixir Companies

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Elixir Companies

A collection of companies using Elixir in production.

Proudly built with Phoenix.

Adding a new company be showcased

-- OR --


  1. Install current elixir, erlang and nodejs versions

    1. This project uses asdf to manage the language versions of the project.

    2. Follow the instructions on asdf#getting-started to install asdf.

    3. Once complete, run the following command to install the language versions:

      asdf install

    -- OR --

    1. If you manage your language versions differently, please reference ~/.tool-versions for the specific versions to run the project.
  2. Install elixir and nodejs dependencies with mix setup

  3. Start Phoenix endpoint with mix phx.server

Now you can visit localhost:4000 from your browser.


In order to add a new language to the available list of locales, you have to do the following: