

A Key Manager to interact with Starknet accounts. Starknet burner allows to build mobile and web applications without any security compromise.

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Warning ** Experimental Project **

This project is in alpha release. It has a number of limitation that should be lift progressively, including (1) the fact that it is limited to a simple plugin for now and (2) it has not yet been audited.

What is the Starknet Burner?

The Starknet Burner is a Key Manager, i.e. a library that you add to your application and helps users to manage keys that are not their regular signing keys. The way it works depends on the type of keys. For now, the burner manages session keys, i.e. keys that work with an account that has a plugin setup and have been authorized by the signer offline.

Why use the Starknet Burner?

See the Starknet Burner as a way to create and some temporary/limited keys that could be validated by your personal wallet like Argent-X for some specific purposes. What could you do with it?

Ultimately, Starknet Burner is a project that would help people to experience the power of Starknet with the ease of regular web and mobile applications. Ideal to develop new experiences, the starknet burner has been built to improve user experience and help developers to participate with hackathons.

To use the starknet burner, check the Getting Started guide.

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