



  1. To test a new firmware, create a directory in the proj directory. The general naming rule is proj_devicename_appname.
  2. The last worked version of Angr is


This release is a VMware Workstation Virtual Machine of Ubuntu 18.04, which has Laelaps and its running environment.

Docker Installation

A docker image with Lealaps installation has been created for testing purporses.

docker pull guanleustc/laelaps:1.0
docker run -it guanleustc/laelaps:1.0 /bin/bash

The image was build with the provided Dockerfile and installation script in this repo.

Source Code Installation

Make sure Ubuntu 18.04 and Python 3 are used.

  1. Install Python virtualenvwrapper and create a virtual environment laelaps. All the following steps are operated inside this virtual environment. So, execute this command first.
$ workon laelaps
  1. Build qemu-3.0.0.
$ sudo apt-get build-dep -y qemu
$ mkdir ./build && cd ./build
$ ../qemu-3.0.0/configure --python=python3 --target-list="arm-softmmu" --disable-vnc --disable-curses --disable-sdl --disable-hax --disable-rdma --enable-debug
$ make

Then, qemu-system-arm can be found in this build directory and the path is: arm-softmmu/qemu-system-arm. Put qemu-system-arm in PATH.

  1. Download ARM GCC toolchain. The URL can be found at https://armkeil.blob.core.windows.net/developer/Files/downloads/gnu-rm/9-2020q2/gcc-arm-none-eabi-9-2020-q2-update-x86_64-linux.tar.bz2. Unzip it and put the bin directory in PATH.
  2. Install angr.
    • Download angr source code and install it.
      $ wget https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/35/19/07442cc5789f6c40eae7ea2bd34a04402fa94f9e3d94cba0ab8354d231cf/angr-
      $ tar xf angr-
      $ cd angr-
      $ pip install -e ./
  3. CD to the root directory of angr and patch it using the following command.
patch -p1 < $(root_of_this_repo)/p.patch
  1. Install avatar2.
$ cd avatar2
$ pip install -e ./
  1. Install concolic.
$ cd concolic
$ pip install -e ./
  1. Run tests in proj directory.


To get started, here is an example of using Laelaps to run the firmware inside proj_nxp_frdmk66f_adc.

$ workon laelaps
$ cd proj/proj_nxp_frdmk66f_adc
$ ./driver.py

After a while, qemu reaches the breakpoint 0x694, which is set up after the usage of adc peripheral. Then Laelaps can be stopped by executing the shell script in another terminal.

$ ./scratch/kill.sh

When running the firmware with uart, the output is stored in the file logfiles/debug.txt. For example, when running the firmware inside proj_nxp_frdmk66f_rtos_hello, the hello world can be output.

$ workon laelaps
$ cd proj/proj_nxp_frdmk66f_rtos_hello
$ ./driver.py

In another terminal, execute

$ tail -f logfiles/debug.txt

Then, after a while, hello world is output. In the end, stop laelaps by executing

$ ./scratch/kill.sh

Certain logs can be found in the following directories: