

Coloring With Limited Data: Few-Shot Colorization via Memory Augmented Networks


An unofficial implementation of MemoPainter described in the paper using PyTorch.

Published in CVPR 2019, written by S. Yoo, H. Bahng, S. Chung, J. Lee, J. Chang and J. Choo



Pre-trained model

Important Configurations

All recommeded values for configurations are based on paper and supplementary material.

  1. --color_info : Should be 'RGB' or 'dist'. What you want to use as a color information for color feature.

  2. --color_feat_dim : If you use RGB color information, the option should be 30. If you use color distribution as a color information, the option should be 313.

  3. --mem_size : The memory size. It is remmended to set the memory size to 1.2 times the size of training set.

  4. --top_k : The parameter for computing the kNN with respect to cosine similarity. It is recommended to set --top_k to 32, if you use RGB color_info. If you use color distribution as color feature, to setting --top_k to 256 is recommended.

Train & Test

If you refer to run.sh in my repository, you can know how to train and test.

Experimental Results

Experimental results on Oxford102 dataset.

I randomly split the oxford102 dataset into a training set(80%) and a test set(20%)

You can download full experimental results on my oxford102 test set. Link

InputResultGround Truth
<img src="sample_imgs/flower/1177_gray.png" width="640px"><img src="sample_imgs/flower/1177_result.png" width="640px"><img src="sample_imgs/flower/1177_GT.png" width="640px">
<img src="sample_imgs/flower/0149_gray.png" width="640px"><img src="sample_imgs/flower/0149_result.png" width="640px"><img src="sample_imgs/flower/0149_GT.png" width="640px">
<img src="sample_imgs/flower/0563_gray.png" width="640px"><img src="sample_imgs/flower/0563_result.png" width="640px"><img src="sample_imgs/flower/0563_GT.png" width="640px">
<img src="sample_imgs/flower/0231_gray.png" width="640px"><img src="sample_imgs/flower/0231_result.png" width="640px"><img src="sample_imgs/flower/0231_GT.png" width="640px">

Experimental results on Pokemon data. Test images are crawled from the internet

InputResultGround Truth
<img src="sample_imgs/pokemon/0002_gray.png" width="640px"><img src="sample_imgs/pokemon/0002_result.png" width="640px"><img src="sample_imgs/pokemon/0002_GT.png" width="640px">
<img src="sample_imgs/pokemon/0005_gray.png" width="640px"><img src="sample_imgs/pokemon/0005_result.png" width="640px"><img src="sample_imgs/pokemon/0005_GT.png" width="640px">
<img src="sample_imgs/pokemon/0007_gray.png" width="640px"><img src="sample_imgs/pokemon/0007_result.png" width="640px"><img src="sample_imgs/pokemon/0007_GT.png" width="640px">

Experimental results on Superhero data. Train images and test images are crawled from the internet.

InputResultGround Truth
<img src="sample_imgs/super_hero/0000_gray.png" width="640px"><img src="sample_imgs/super_hero/0000_result.png" width="640px"><img src="sample_imgs/super_hero/0000_GT.png" width="640px">
<img src="sample_imgs/super_hero/0005_gray.png" width="640px"><img src="sample_imgs/super_hero/0005_result.png" width="640px"><img src="sample_imgs/super_hero/0005_GT.png" width="640px">
<img src="sample_imgs/super_hero/0007_gray.png" width="640px"><img src="sample_imgs/super_hero/0007_result.png" width="640px"><img src="sample_imgs/super_hero/0007_GT.png" width="640px">


If you have any questions or comments on my codes, please email to me. son1113@snu.ac.kr


[1]. https://github.com/awesome-davian/Text2Colors

[2]. https://github.com/nilboy/colorization-tf

[3]. https://github.com/NVlabs/MUNIT

[4]. https://github.com/RUSH-LAB/LSH_Memory