

Learnable Dynamic Temporal Pooling for Time Series Classification


<p align="center"> <img src="./figure/overview.png" width="900"> </p>

The global pooling layer (i.e., global average/max pooling) that has been mainly adopted by existing CNN classifiers simply aggregates all hidden vectors, whereas our dynamic temporal pooling (DTP) layer effectively reduces the temporal size based on semantic segmentation. A CNN classifier with the DTP layer utilizes the segment-level representation and segment-level fully-connected layer for its classification, which allows to extract further class-discriminative features and improves the classification accruacy.

Running the codes

STEP 1. Install the following python libraries / packages

STEP 2. Download the benchmark datasets for time series classification

STEP 3. Train the CNN classifier with the DTP layer

You can simply run the code by the following command.

python train_classifier.py

You can further specify the details of the classifier and its optimization by input arguments.

python train_classifier.py --dataset GunPoint --model fcn --pooling_op max --n_segments 4 --gamma 1.0


  title={Learnable Dynamic Temporal Pooling for Time Series Classification},
  author={Lee, Dongha and Lee, Seonghyeon and Yu, Hwanjo},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence},