


pull-streams and continuables make friends!


continuables are a like async callbacks, but more composable. instead of taking a series of arguments, then a callback, a continuable takes it's arguments, and returns a function that takes exactly one argument: the callback.

this makes it easy represent a single async operation, you can easily pass a continuable to another function.

continuable repo, bundle of best continuables.


pull-cont takes a continuable that returns a pull-stream, and makes it into a pull-stream.

It's like pull-defer but easier for simple cases.

var PullCont = require('pull-cont')
// or PullCont = requrie('pull-cont/source')

//create a pull-stream that reads a directory!
  PullCont(function (cb) {
    fs.readdir(directory, function (err, ls) {
      if(err) cb(err)
      else cb(null, pull.values(ls))

for Source streams, if the continuable returns another continuable, pull-cont will also call that recursively until it gets a pull-stream source. I don't know, this might be useful for something.

Sink & Duplex

You can also use this to create sink and duplex streams. (Unless you are designing a protocol you can probably ignore Duplex)

var Sink = require('pull-cont/sink')
var Duplex = require('pull-cont/duplex')

//and then complete the continuable with the correct type of stream
Sink(function (cb) {
  cb(null, pull.drain())
