


Status Code
Coverage PyPI
Package PyPI - Downloads

<p align="center"> <img src="https://github.com/domainaware/parsedmarc/raw/master/docs/source/_static/screenshots/dmarc-summary-charts.png?raw=true" alt="A screenshot of DMARC summary charts in Kibana"/> </p>

parsedmarc is a Python module and CLI utility for parsing DMARC reports. When used with Elasticsearch and Kibana (or Splunk), it works as a self-hosted open-source alternative to commercial DMARC report processing services such as Agari Brand Protection, Dmarcian, OnDMARC, ProofPoint Email Fraud Defense, and Valimail.

[!NOTE] Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance (DMARC) is an email authentication protocol.

Help Wanted

This project is maintained by one developer. Please consider reviewing the open issues to see how you can contribute code, documentation, or user support. Assistance on the pinned issues would be particularly helpful.

Thanks to all contributors!
