

GraphQL Cop - Security Audit Utility for GraphQL

<p align="center"> <img src="https://github.com/dolevf/graphql-cop/blob/main/static/images/logo.png?raw=true" width="500px" alt="GraphQL Cop"/> </p>


GraphQL Cop is a small Python utility to run common security tests against GraphQL APIs. GraphQL Cop is perfect for running CI/CD checks in GraphQL. It is lightweight, and covers interesting security issues in GraphQL.

GraphQL Cop allows you to reproduce the findings by providing cURL commands upon any identified vulnerabilities.




Below commands should be executed to install dependencies.

python3 -m venv path/to/venv
source path/to/venv/bin/activate
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt

First command creates a virtual environment in the directory specified by path/to/venv. Second command activates the virtual environment. Final command installs all the Python packages listed in the requirements.txt.


$ python graphql-cop.py -h

Usage: graphql-cop.py -t http://example.com -o json

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -t URL, --target=URL  target url with the path - if a GraphQL path is not
                        provided, GraphQL Cop will iterate through a series of
                        common GraphQL paths
  -H HEADER, --header=HEADER
                        Append Header(s) to the request '{"Authorization":
                        "Bearer eyjt"}' - Use multiple -H for additional
  -o FORMAT, --output=FORMAT
  -f, --force           Forces a scan when GraphQL cannot be detected
  -d, --debug           Append a header with the test name for debugging
  -x PROXY, --proxy=PROXY
                        HTTP(S) proxy URL in the form
  -v, --version         Print out the current version and exit.
  -T, --tor           Enable Tor proxy

Test a website

$ python3 graphql-cop.py -t https://mywebsite.com/graphql

                GraphQL Cop 1.1
           Security Auditor for GraphQL
            Dolev Farhi & Nick Aleks

[HIGH] Introspection Query Enabled (Information Leakage)
[LOW] GraphQL Playground UI (Information Leakage)
[HIGH] Alias Overloading with 100+ aliases is allowed (Denial of Service)
[HIGH] Queries are allowed with 1000+ of the same repeated field (Denial of Service)

Test a website, dump to a parse-able JSON output, cURL reproduction command

python3 graphql-cop.py -t https://mywebsite.com/graphql -o json

 {'curl_verify': 'curl -X POST -H "User-Agent: graphql-cop/1.2" -H '
                 '"Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate" -H "Accept: */*" -H '
                 '"Connection: keep-alive" -H "Content-Length: 33" -H '
                 '"Content-Type: application/json" -d \'{"query": "query { '
                 '__typename }"}\' \'http://localhost:5013/graphql\'',
  'description': 'Tracing is Enabled',
  'impact': 'Information Leakage',
  'result': False,
  'severity': 'INFO',
  'color': 'green',
  'title': 'Trace Mode'},
 {'curl_verify': 'curl -X POST -H "User-Agent: graphql-cop/1.2" -H '
                 '"Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate" -H "Accept: */*" -H '
                 '"Connection: keep-alive" -H "Content-Length: 64" -H '
                 '"Content-Type: application/json" -d \'{"query": "query { '
                 '__typename @aa@aa@aa@aa@aa@aa@aa@aa@aa@aa }"}\' '
  'description': 'Multiple duplicated directives allowed in a query',
  'impact': 'Denial of Service',
  'result': True,
  'severity': 'HIGH',
  'color': 'red',
  'title': 'Directive Overloading'}]

Test a website using graphql-cop through a proxy (e.g. Burp Suite listening on with custom headers (e.g. Authorization):

$ python3 graphql-cop.py -t https://mywebsite.com/graphql --proxy= --header '{"Authorization": "Bearer token_here"}'

                GraphQL Cop 1.2
           Security Auditor for GraphQL
            Dolev Farhi & Nick Aleks

[HIGH] Introspection Query Enabled (Information Leakage)
[LOW] GraphQL Playground UI (Information Leakage)
[HIGH] Alias Overloading with 100+ aliases is allowed (Denial of Service)
[HIGH] Queries are allowed with 1000+ of the same repeated field (Denial of Service)