

Code for finetuning xsum and 5 different experts for tatoeba(translation). The code of this repository is based on https://github.com/seonghyeonye/Flipped-Learning


The following command will clone the project:

git clone https://github.com/doeyoungkim/multilingual_finetune.git

Before experimenting, you can make a virtual environment for the project.

conda create -n zeroshotlm python=3.8
conda activate zeroshotlm
pip install -r requirements.txt

Dataset download

First, go to the data folder

cd data

Then, download 5 links under data folder https://object.pouta.csc.fi/Tatoeba-Challenge-v2021-08-07/eng-kor.tar https://object.pouta.csc.fi/Tatoeba-Challenge-v2021-08-07/eng-spa.tar https://object.pouta.csc.fi/Tatoeba-Challenge-v2021-08-07/eng-fra.tar https://object.pouta.csc.fi/Tatoeba-Challenge-v2021-08-07/eng-jpn.tar https://object.pouta.csc.fi/Tatoeba-Challenge-v2021-08-07/eng-zho.tar After downloading, preprocess each data into json files. For example, when preprocessing korean task, you should run

python tatoeba_preprocess_total.py kor


We provide commands for all our experiments in README.md under T0 directory. Check this out!