

All-in-one Vanilla AMD Hackintosh Guide

Do you want a working Hackintosh without any other extra trash in your Hackintosh? Have you been waiting for a long time for an All-in-one AMD Hackintosh Guide?

Well, you have come to the right place! 😆

This guide is based on Intel Vanilla Hackintosh Guides with some more directions for AMD.

{% hint style="info" %} **MAJOR UPDATE:

  1. Deleted the Offline Installer Files. Use my script instead.
  2. Config.plist guide has been UPDATED.
  3. Offline Installer Guide is UPDATED too.** {% endhint %}

{% hint style="success" %} Translation Progress: 52.5%

Translated: From this page to Offline Installer Guide / Preparing the installer - Part / From Windows

****Link to the Traditional Chinese Version Release

This guide will move to Docsify very soon for more functions {% endhint %}