

Complex Numbers Image


complexnr is a library for handling complex numbers in Noir. This library offers a comprehensive suite of operations for complex numbers.


The library provides a variety of functions to manipulate complex numbers, ensuring high precision and efficiency, crucial for cryptographic applications:

Importance for Zero-Knowledge Proofs

Complex number calculations are essential in various cryptographic protocols and algorithms. This library ensures that these calculations are performed with the requisite precision and efficiencyso as to able to maintain the integrity and security of ZKPs.


To use complexnr in your Noir project, include it in your Nargo.toml and import it in your Noir files.


Below are examples of how to use the library:

// Create complex numbers
let a = Complex { real: 1, imaginary: 2 };
let b = Complex { real: 3, imaginary: 4 };

// Perform operations
let sum = add(a, b);
let difference = subtract(a, b);

Limitations and Considerations

While complexnr is designed for high efficiency and precision, there are some inherent limitations and considerations to be aware of:


complexnr comes with a suite of tests ensuring the accuracy and reliability of its functions. Run these tests using Noir's testing framework to verify the functionality.


Contributions to complexnr are welcome! Whether it's extending functionality, improving efficiency, or enhancing documentation, your input is valuable.


complexnr is released under Apache 2.0 License.