<!-- TITLE/ --> <h1>docpad-plugin-umd</h1> <!-- /TITLE --> <!-- BADGES/ --><span class="badge-travisci"><a href="" title="Check this project's build status on TravisCI"><img src="" alt="Travis CI Build Status" /></a></span> <span class="badge-npmversion"><a href="" title="View this project on NPM"><img src="" alt="NPM version" /></a></span> <span class="badge-npmdownloads"><a href="" title="View this project on NPM"><img src="" alt="NPM downloads" /></a></span> <span class="badge-daviddm"><a href="" title="View the status of this project's dependencies on DavidDM"><img src="" alt="Dependency Status" /></a></span> <span class="badge-daviddmdev"><a href="" title="View the status of this project's development dependencies on DavidDM"><img src="" alt="Dev Dependency Status" /></a></span> <br class="badge-separator" /> <span class="badge-githubsponsors"><a href="" title="Donate to this project using GitHub Sponsors"><img src="" alt="GitHub Sponsors donate button" /></a></span> <span class="badge-patreon"><a href="" title="Donate to this project using Patreon"><img src="" alt="Patreon donate button" /></a></span> <span class="badge-flattr"><a href="" title="Donate to this project using Flattr"><img src="" alt="Flattr donate button" /></a></span> <span class="badge-liberapay"><a href="" title="Donate to this project using Liberapay"><img src="" alt="Liberapay donate button" /></a></span> <span class="badge-buymeacoffee"><a href="" title="Donate to this project using Buy Me A Coffee"><img src="" alt="Buy Me A Coffee donate button" /></a></span> <span class="badge-opencollective"><a href="" title="Donate to this project using Open Collective"><img src="" alt="Open Collective donate button" /></a></span> <span class="badge-crypto"><a href="" title="Donate to this project using Cryptocurrency"><img src="" alt="crypto donate button" /></a></span> <span class="badge-paypal"><a href="" title="Donate to this project using Paypal"><img src="" alt="PayPal donate button" /></a></span> <span class="badge-wishlist"><a href="" title="Buy an item on our wishlist for us"><img src="" alt="Wishlist browse button" /></a></span>
<!-- /BADGES -->Wrap specified JavaScript documents in the Universal Module Definition (UMD) allowing them to run in AMD, Require.js, CommonJS/Node.js, Ender and Vanilla environments automatically
For the documents that you want to be wrapped inside UMD, specify umd: true
inside your document's meta data header like so:
umd: true
// your javascript content
and it will be transformed into:
/*global define:false require:false */
(function (name, context, definition) {
if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && module.exports) module.exports = definition();
else if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) define(definition);
else if (typeof provide === 'function') provide(name, definition());
else context[name] = definition();
})('the-javascript-file-basename', this, function(){
// your javascript content
<!-- INSTALL/ -->
Install this DocPad plugin by entering <code>docpad install umd</code> into your terminal.
<!-- /INSTALL --> <!-- HISTORY/ --> <h2>History</h2><a href="">Discover the release history by heading on over to the <code></code> file.</a>
<!-- /HISTORY --> <!-- CONTRIBUTE/ --> <h2>Contribute</h2><a href="">Discover how you can contribute by heading on over to the <code></code> file.</a>
<!-- /CONTRIBUTE --> <!-- BACKERS/ --> <h2>Backers</h2> <h3>Maintainers</h3>These amazing people are maintaining this project:
<ul><li><a href="">Benjamin Lupton</a> — <a href="" title="View the GitHub contributions of Benjamin Lupton on repository docpad/docpad-plugin-umd">view contributions</a></li></ul> <h3>Sponsors</h3>These amazing people have contributed finances to this project:
<ul><li><a href="">Top Betta</a></li></ul>Become a sponsor!
<span class="badge-githubsponsors"><a href="" title="Donate to this project using GitHub Sponsors"><img src="" alt="GitHub Sponsors donate button" /></a></span> <span class="badge-patreon"><a href="" title="Donate to this project using Patreon"><img src="" alt="Patreon donate button" /></a></span> <span class="badge-flattr"><a href="" title="Donate to this project using Flattr"><img src="" alt="Flattr donate button" /></a></span> <span class="badge-liberapay"><a href="" title="Donate to this project using Liberapay"><img src="" alt="Liberapay donate button" /></a></span> <span class="badge-buymeacoffee"><a href="" title="Donate to this project using Buy Me A Coffee"><img src="" alt="Buy Me A Coffee donate button" /></a></span> <span class="badge-opencollective"><a href="" title="Donate to this project using Open Collective"><img src="" alt="Open Collective donate button" /></a></span> <span class="badge-crypto"><a href="" title="Donate to this project using Cryptocurrency"><img src="" alt="crypto donate button" /></a></span> <span class="badge-paypal"><a href="" title="Donate to this project using Paypal"><img src="" alt="PayPal donate button" /></a></span> <span class="badge-wishlist"><a href="" title="Buy an item on our wishlist for us"><img src="" alt="Wishlist browse button" /></a></span>
<h3>Contributors</h3>These amazing people have contributed code to this project:
<ul><li><a href="">Benjamin Lupton</a> — <a href="" title="View the GitHub contributions of Benjamin Lupton on repository docpad/docpad-plugin-umd">view contributions</a></li> <li><a href="">Rob Loach</a> — <a href="" title="View the GitHub contributions of Rob Loach on repository docpad/docpad-plugin-umd">view contributions</a></li></ul><a href="">Discover how you can contribute by heading on over to the <code></code> file.</a>
<!-- /BACKERS --> <!-- LICENSE/ --> <h2>License</h2>Unless stated otherwise all works are:
<ul><li>Copyright © 2013+ <a href="">Bevry Pty Ltd</a></li></ul>and licensed under:
<ul><li><a href="">MIT License</a></li></ul> <!-- /LICENSE -->