STAT 991: Uncertainty Quantification for Machine Learning (UPenn, 2022 Spring)
This class surveys advanced topics in statistical learning based on student presentations, focusing on uncertainty quantification for machine learning.
The core topic of the course is uncertainty quantification for machine learning methods. While modern machine learning methods can have a high prediction accuracy in a variety of problems, it is still challenging to properly quantify their uncertainty. There has been a recent surge of work developing methods for this problem. It is one of the fastest developing areas in contemporary statistics. This course will survey a variety of different problems and approaches, such as calibration, prediction intervals (and sets), conformal inference, OOD detection, etc. We will discuss both empirically successful/popular methods as well as theoretically justified ones. See below for a sample of papers.
In addition to the core topic, there may be a (brief) discussion of a few additional topics:
- Influential recent "breakthrough" papers applying machine learning (GPT-3, AlphaFold, etc), to get a sense of the "real" problems people want to solve.
- Important recent papers in statistical learning theory; to set the a sense of progress on the theoretical foundations of the area.
Part of the class will be based on student presentations of papers. We imagine a critical discussion of one or two papers per lecture; and several contiguous lectures on the same theme. The goal will be to develop a deep understanding of recent research.
See also the syllabus.
Influential recent ML papers
Why are people excited about ML?
- Dermatologist–level classification of skin cancer with deep neural networks
- Language Models are Few-Shot Learners
- Highly accurate protein structure prediction with AlphaFold
- End to End Learning for Self-Driving Cars
Uncertainty quantification
Why do we need to quantify uncertainty? What are the main approaches?
Conformal prediction++
- Vovk et al.'s paper series, and books
- Takeuchi’s prediction regions and theory, and old lecture notes
- Inductive Conformal Prediction
- (A few) Papers from CMU group
- Review emphasizing exchangeability: Exchangeability, Conformal Prediction, and Rank Tests
- Predictive inference with the jackknife+. Slides.
- Nested conformal prediction and quantile out-of-bag ensemble methods
- Conditional Validity
- X-Conditional validity: Already listed above: Mondrian Confidence Machines (also in Vovk'05 book), Lei & Wasserman'14
- Y-conditional: Classification with confidence
- others: equalized coverage
- Distribution Shift
- (essentially) known covariate shift
- estimated covariate shift, semiparametric efficiency
- testing covariate shift: A Distribution-Free Test of Covariate Shift Using Conformal Prediction
- online gradient descent on the quantile loss: Adaptive Conformal Inference Under Distribution Shift; aggregation
- more general weighted schemes: Conformal prediction beyond exchangeability
- Applications to various statistical models
- Causal estimands and Counterfactuals: Chernozhukov et al, An Exact and Robust Conformal Inference Method for Counterfactual and Synthetic Controls, Cattaneo et al, Lei and Candes, Conformal Inference of Counterfactuals and Individual Treatment Effects
- Quantile regression: Romano et al
- Conditional distribution test: Hu & Lei
- Dependence
- Conformal prediction for dynamic time-series
- Exact and robust conformal inference methods for predictive machine learning with dependent data
- Model-Free Prediction Principle (Politis and collaborators). book, brief paper
- Coverage given distributional properties beyond exchangeability:
- Vovk's work on online compression models and one-off-structures
- Discrete groups and sequential observations: Exact and robust conformal inference methods for predictive machine learning with dependent data
- SymmPI: Predictive Inference for Data with Group Symmetries
- Language models:
Tolerance Regions and Related Notions
- Wilks's original paper, 1941
- Wald's multivariate extension, 1943
- Tukey's paper series: 1, 2, 3; Fraser & Wormleighton's extensions 1
- Books
- David & Nagaraja: Order statistics, Sec 7.2 (short but good general intro)
- Krishnamoorthy & Mathew: Statistical tolerance regions
- Connections between inductive conformal prediction, training set conditional validity, tolerance regions:
- Lecture notes and summaries:
- Ryan Tibhsirani's lecture at his Statistical Learning Course at Berkeley
- Silva Filho et al: Classifier Calibration: A survey on how to assess and improve predicted class probabilities
- John Duchi's Lecture Notes on Statistics and Information Theory See Sec. 12 for calibration.
- Classics
- Sec 5.a of Robert Miller's monograph: Statistical Prediction by Discriminant Analysis (1962). Calibration is called "validity" here.
- Calibration of Probabilities: The State of the Art to 1980
- A.P. Dawid, The Well-Calibrated Bayesian
- DeGroot & Fienberg, The Comparison and Evaluation of Forecasters, 1983
- Testing
- Early works: Cox, 1958, Miller's monograph above
- Mincer & Zamowitz: The Evaluation of Economic Forecasts (1969) introducing the idea of regressing the outcomes on the predicted scores; sometimes called Mincer-Zamowitz regression
- On Testing the Validity of Sequential Probability Forecasts
- Comparing predictive accuracy
- Vaicenavicius et al: Evaluating model calibration in classification
- Widmann et al., (2021) Calibration tests beyond classification
- T-Cal: An optimal test for the calibration of predictive models
- On-line setting (some of it is non-probabilistic):
- Foster & Vohra (1998) Asymptotic Calibration. Biometrika
- Vovk, V. and Shafer, G. (2005) Good randomized sequential probability forecasting is always possible. JRSS-B
- Hart (2021), proving a claim from 1995: Calibrated Forecasts: The Minimax Proof
- Lower bounds: Qiao and Valiant (2021)Stronger Calibration Lower Bounds via Sidestepping
- Scoring rules, etc
- Winkler, Scoring rules and the evaluation of probabilities
- Gneiting et al., Probabilistic forecasts, calibration and sharpness
- Decision-making
- Calibrating Predictions to Decisions: A Novel Approach to Multi-Class Calibration. Develops a decision theoretic perspective on calibration. Proposes a notion of decision calibration, which requires that one can use the forecast to obtain an unbiased estimate of the loss, for a class of losses and a class of Bayes-optimal decision rules for (a possibly different) class of losses. Shows (quite surprisingly!) that several notions of calibration are equivalent to decision calibration for specific classes of losses: for instance full multiclass calibration is equivalent to decision calibration for the class of all loss functions, while top-one (or confidence) calibration is equivalent to decision calibration for the class of actions that include the classes as well as an extension option, and penalize the abstention less than misclassification error. Also developed methods for achieving decision calibration, based on potential function ideas inspired by work on multi-calibration.
- Modern ML
- On Calibration of Modern Neural Networks; suggests using Mincer-Zamowitz regression for re-calibration
- Measuring Calibration in Deep Learning
- Distribution-free binary classification: prediction sets, confidence intervals and calibration
- Beyond Pinball Loss: Quantile Methods for Calibrated Uncertainty Quantification
- Learn then Test: Calibrating Predictive Algorithms to Achieve Risk Control
- Calibration Error for Heterogeneous Treatment Effects
- theory in random features models: A study of uncertainty quantification in overparametrized high-dimensional models
- theory on distance to calibration: A Unifying Theory of Distance from Calibration
- connection to conformal prediction: perhaps surprisingly, calibration via temperature scaling can increase the average prediction sets sizes in CP: On Calibration and Conformal Prediction of Deep Classifiers. The paper provides experimental evidence, as well as some theoretical support for this claim.
Language Models
Collection of links about LLM uncertainty and robustness
- How Can We Know When Language Models Know? On the Calibration of Language Models for Question Answering. Slides. Investigates calibration of LMs for Q&A. Studies techniques such as "fine-tuning" (e.g., with MLE over answer set), post-hoc, and LM-specific (augmentation, paraphrasing). Find that "Post-processing Confidence is Effective Universally."
- Calibrate Before Use: Improving Few-Shot Performance of Language Models; LLMs have biases for generating outcomes that should a priori have pre-determined probabilities, such as 50-50
- Language Models (Mostly) Know What They Know; Perhaps surprisingly, LLMs are sometimes calibrated. On the other hand, there are a few limitations: (1) the results do not really hold for small models. (2) The results are not so robust (for instance they can easily break when they add the answer "none of the above")
- Teaching models to express their uncertainty in words; They finetune an LLM (GPT-3) on math problems, using labels generated as the empirical accuracy over various sub-tasks; further quantized into 5 quantiles (lowest, ...). Observe that this generalizes to same task, and partly to distribution shift. Limitations include: (1) very task-specific. (2) ad hoc grouping of tasks. (3) performance for other tasks (dist. shift) is very poor (not much better than constant baseline)
- A Study on the Calibration of In-context Learning. Find an empirical accuracy-calibration trade-off for in-context learning. In examples (e.g., LLaMA-7B) as the number of ICL samples increases, the prediction accuracy improves; at the same time, the calibration first worsens and then becomes better.
- Uncertainty in Language Models: Assessment through Rank-Calibration. Proposes rank-calibration to assess uncertainty & confidence peak measures for language models. The principle is that higher uncertainty (or lower confidence) should imply lower generation quality, on average. Rank-calibration quantifies deviations from this ideal relationship in a principled manner, without requiring ad hoc binary thresholding of the correctness score (e.g., ROUGE or METEOR).
- Linguistic Calibration of Language Models. Proposes to evaluate the usefulness of longform language model Generations by their ability to increase the quality of answering questions. For a question x, answer y, and a longfrom generation z from a helper LM $\pi$, aims to maximize (over $\pi$) the expectation of log p(y|x,z), where p is a question-answering LM. [Also argues about how this improves calibration and decision-making, but this does not seem to be crucial.]
Conformal Prediction
- Conformal Prediction with Large Language Models for Multi-choice Question Answering; Use CP based on score f.
- PAC Prediction Sets for Large Language Models of Code
- Robots That Ask For Help: Uncertainty Alignment for Large Language Model Planners. Features: robot observation, user instruction, few-shot examples of possible plans in other scenarios, LLM-generated list of plans based on prev. three (call the set Y). Outcomes: entries y in Y. Score: f(x,y). Assume have iid sample from distribution over scenarios ξ:=(e,ℓ,g); e: POMDP environment, ℓ: language instruction, and g: goal + contexts + plans + labels (correct plan index). Handle sequences: predict at the sequence level, with fixed confidence.
- Prompt Risk Control: A Rigorous Framework for Responsible Deployment of Large Language Models. Input a set of prompts P. Return a subset that satisfies an upper bound on) some user-chosen notion of risk R. Either Learn-Then-Test or Quantile Risk Control (Snell et al. (2023)).
- Conformal Language Modeling; Apply Learn-Then-Test.
Types of uncertainty
- Kiureghian and Ditlevsen: Aleatory or epistemic? does it matter?
- What Uncertainties Do We Need in Bayesian Deep Learning for Computer Vision?
- Calibrated Chaos: Variance Between Runs of Neural Network Training is Harmless and Inevitable
- Semantic Uncertainty: Linguistic Invariances for Uncertainty Estimation in Natural Language Generation. Sample, cluster (via mutual entailment using a natural language inference classification system - Deberta-large model), and estimate entropy (summing over meanings). Evaluate via the AUROC of a predictor of "Y = is answer correct" based on "X = uncertainty score", implicit assumption: uncertain generations should be less likely to be correct (?).
Bayesian approaches, ensembles
Baseline methods:
- Deep ensembles: Simple and Scalable Predictive Uncertainty Estimation using Deep Ensembles
- MC Dropout: Dropout as a Bayesian Approximation: Representing Model Uncertainty in Deep Learning; Uncertainty in Deep Learning, Yarin Gal PhD Thesis
- Deep Ensembles Work, But Are They Necessary?
Other approaches:
Dataset shift
Lecture 1-2: Introduction. By Edgar Dobriban.
Lecture 3-8: Conformal Prediction, Calibration. By Edgar Dobriban. Caveat: handwritten and may be hard to read. To be typed up in the future.
Lecture 9 onwards: student presentations.
Presentation 1: Deep Learning in Medical Imaging by Rongguang Wang.
Presentation 2: Introduction to Fairness in Machine Learning by Harry Wang.
Presentation 3: Conformal Prediction with Dependent Data by Kaifu Wang.
Presentation 4: Bayesian Calibration by Ryan Brill.
Presentation 5: Conditional Randomization Test by Abhinav Chakraborty.
Presentation 6: Distribution Free Prediction Sets and Regression by Anirban Chatterjee.
Presentation 7: Advanced Topics in Fairness by Alexander Tolbert.
Presentation 8: Calibration and Quantile Regression by Ignacio Hounie.
Presentation 9: Conformal Prediction under Distribution Shift by Patrick Chao and Jeffrey Zhang.
Presentation 10: Testing for Outliers with Conformal p-values by Donghwan Lee.
Presentation 11: Out-of-distribution detection and Likelihood Ratio Tests by Alex Nguyen-Le.
Presentation 12: Online Multicalibration and No-Regret Learning by Georgy Noarov.
Presentation 13: Online Asymptotic Calibration by Juan Elenter.
Presentation 14: Calibration in Modern ML by Soham Dan.
Presentation 15: Bayesian Optimization and Some of its Applications by Seong Han.
Presentation 16: Distribution-free Uncertainty Quantification Impossibility and Possibility I by Xinmeng Huang.
Presentation 17: Distribution-free Uncertainty Quantification Impossibility and Possibility II by Shuo Li.
Presentation 18: Top-label calibration and multiclass-to-binary reductions by Shiyun Xu.
Presentation 19: Ensembles for uncertainty quantification by Rahul Ramesh.
Presentation 20: Universal Inference by Behrad Moniri.
Presentation 21: Typicality and OOD detection by Eric Lei.
Presentation 22: Bayesian uncertainty quantification and dropout by Samar Hadou. (See lec 27 for an introduction).
Presentation 23: Distribution-Free Risk-Controlling Predictio Sets by Ramya Ramalingam.
Presentation 24: Task-Driven Detection_of Distribution Shifts by Charis Stamouli.
Presentation 25: Calibration: a transformation-based method and a connection with adversarial robustness by Sooyong Jang.
Presentation 26: A Theory of Universal Learning by Raghu Arghal.
Presentation 27: Deep Ensembles: An introduction by Xiayan Ji.
Presentation 28: Why are Convolutional Nets More Sample-efficient than Fully-Connected Nets? by Evangelos Chatzipantazis.
Presentation 29: E-values by Sam Rosenberg.
Other topics
OOD Detection
- A Simple Unified Framework for Detecting Out-of-Distribution Samples and Adversarial Attacks
- Likelihood Ratios for Out-of-Distribution Detection
- Testing for Outliers with Conformal p-values
- Conformal Anomaly Detection on Spatio-Temporal Observations with Missing Data
- iDECODe: In-distribution Equivariance for Conformal Out-of-distribution Detection
Classical statistical goals: confidence intervals, (single and multiple) hypothesis testing
- Hartigan '1969
- E-values: Calibration, combination, and applications
- Universal Inference ** A Note on Universal Inference
- Permutation-based Feature Importance Test (PermFIT)
- Only Closed Testing Procedures are Admissible for Controlling False Discovery Proportions
Inductive biases
- Combining Ensembles and Data Augmentation can Harm your Calibration
- AugMix: A Simple Data Processing Method to Improve Robustness and Uncertainty
Reviews, applications, etc
- A review of uncertainty quantification in deep learning: Techniques, applications and challenges
- A Survey of Uncertainty in Deep Neural Networks
- Deeply uncertain: comparing methods of uncertainty quantification in deep learning algorithms
- Empirical Frequentist Coverage of Deep Learning Uncertainty Quantification Procedures
- Aleatoric and Epistemic Uncertainty in Machine Learning. An Introduction to Concepts and Methods
- Uncertainty Baselines. Benchmarks for Uncertainty and Robustness in Deep Learning
- A Gentle Introduction to Conformal Prediction and Distribution-Free Uncertainty Quantification
- Generalized OOD detection
- List of resources on conformal prediction
Learning theory & training methods
- A Theory of Universal Learning
- Orthogonal Statistical Learning
- Unbiased Gradient Estimation in Unrolled Computation Graphs with Persistent Evolution Strategies
- Deep learning: a statistical viewpoint
Distributed learning
- Optimal Complexity in Decentralized Training
- The Min-Max Complexity of Distributed Stochastic Convex Optimization with Intermittent Communication
Other materials
Related educational materials
Recent workshops and tutorials on related topics
- Workshop on Distribution-Free Uncertainty Quantification at ICML 2022
- ICML 2021 Workshop on Uncertainty & Robustness in Deep Learning
- Workshop on Distribution-Free Uncertainty Quantification at ICML: 2021, 2022
- Video tutorial by AN Angelopoulos and S Bates
- NeurIPS 2020 Tutorial on Practical Uncertainty Estimation and Out-of-Distribution Robustness in Deep Learning
Seminar series
Software tools
- Uncertainty Toolbox, associated papers
- Uncertainty Baselines
- MAPIE, conformal-type methods
- crepes
- Fortuna; paper
Probability background
- Penn courses STAT 430, STAT 930.
- Stat 110: Probability, Harvard. edX course, book
- Online probability book
ML background
- Penn courses CIS 520, ESE 546, STAT 991, and links therein