

Trending HuggingFace Models

Notifications and ready-to-use exports (csv, xlsx, parquet, json, html) with trending feature-extraction models for downstream applications using transformers.js.

The data is mined daily from https://huggingface.co/models?library=transformers.js&other=feature-extraction&sort=trending and the individual model's pages (for onnx file size).


Sends notifications to 3 channels in ntfy:

Originally desgined for SemanticFinder but has potential for other use cases.

PR's highly appreciated!

Run locally

The script is executed once per day on GitHub actions so there is no need to run it yourself to get latest updates. If you'd like to customize it to your needs instead, you can clone the repo, install the requirements.txt (best in a virtual env) and run either the Python script or the Jupyter notebook. The Python script is derived from the notebook (.ipynb).

To Dos