Café is an example application demonstrating a combination between domain-driven design and functional programming. It is continuously deployed to and (if those are unavailable it's because I've stopped paying my Azure subscription, sorry)
- DDD done by the book
- Functional style command/query handlers
- Event-sourcing
- A complete integration tests suite (~100% coverage) + coverage reports
- Docker CI setup with multiple data sources + CD on Azure
- Real-time communications through SignalR
As a whole, this projects aims to stand out from the other examples by being as complete as possible code/structure wise. It should serve as an example of how a real enterprise project built using these principles would look like.
This project can also serve as an example for my Integration Testing SignalR Websockets article. See some hub tests for examples.
What to note
1. Demonstrated DDD concepts
Bounded contexts
- AuthContext
- BaristaContext
- CashierContext
- ManagerContext
- MenuContext
- OrderContext
- TabContext
- TableContext
- WaiterContext
See Cafe.Business
or Cafe.Core
for a more in-depth look.
Ubiqutous language
Menu - The café menu. Contains Menu Items that can be ordered either for a Tab or for a To-go Order.
Menu Item - An item from the menu, identified by a number.
Tab - An open bill on a table.
To-go order/Order - An order that is not linked to a particular table. Customers make these orders by going to the Cashier. When they get paid, the Cashier will issue them to the Barista for completion.
Customer - A person that opened a tab/made an order.
Table - Represents a physical table in the café. Tables are assigned to Waiters who are responsible for managing the tab.
Manager - The café manager. Manages the menu items. Manages the tables. Hires Waiters/Cashiers/Baristas. Assigns waiters to tables.
Cashier - Takes to-go orders.
Barista - Waits for confirmed to-go orders to complete them.
Waiter - Serves a fixed set of tables, takes orders and delivers/rejects menu items.
User/Account - An account with which you can login into the web portal. On its own, the account can do nothing, it must be assigned to some employee by the Admin. (e.g. you can link an account to a waiter)
Admin - The web portal administrator. Manages the links between the accounts and the employees. Has rights to do pretty much everything.
The Tab
is an event-sourced aggregate that is constructed by the various domain events that are published by the command handlers using the EventBus.
Shared kernel
For when you need to share data between contexts, use the shared kernel.
See Cafe.Core
and Cafe.Business
And probably a bit more if you care enough to look for them :)
2. Functional style command/query handlers
Each handler is implemented as a chain of functions (using Optional.Async
). Each function represents an operation that can either pass (continue the execution) or fail (return an Error
to the consumer).
// OpenTabHandler.cs
public override Task<Option<Unit, Error>> Handle(OpenTab command) =>
TabShouldNotExist(command.Id).FlatMapAsync(tab =>
TableShouldNotBeTaken(command.TableNumber).FlatMapAsync(tableNumber =>
TheTableShouldHaveAWaiterAssigned(tableNumber).MapAsync(waiter =>
PublishEvents(tab.Id, tab.OpenTab(command.CustomerName, waiter.ShortName, command.TableNumber)))));
// OrderMenuItemsHandler.cs
public override Task<Option<Unit, Error>> Handle(OrderMenuItems command) =>
TabShouldNotBeClosed(command.TabId).FlatMapAsync(tab =>
MenuItemsShouldExist(command.ItemNumbers).MapAsync(items =>
PublishEvents(command.TabId, tab.OrderMenuItems(items))));
// CallWaiterHandler.cs
public override Task<Option<Unit, Error>> Handle(CallWaiter command) =>
TableShouldExist(command.TableNumber).FlatMapAsync(table =>
TableShouldHaveAWaiterAssigned(table).MapAsync(waiter =>
PublishEvents(table.Id, new WaiterCalled { TableNumber = table.Number, WaiterId = waiter.Id })));
The command/query validation is handled by FluentValidation
and happens at the handler level rather than at the API level.
The chain itself contains all of the business validations such as checking whether the tab is closed, checking whether you're not serving beverages that haven't been ordered, etc.
Each handler is in a separate file to avoid the classes getting too big.
3. A complete integration tests suite
Most of the functionality is implemented using TDD, therefore the project has nearly 100% tests coverage, most of which are integration tests.
public async Task CanOpenTab(OpenTab openTabCommand, HireWaiter hireWaiterCommand, AddTable addTableCommand)
// Arrange
await _helper.SetupWaiterWithTable(hireWaiterCommand, addTableCommand);
// Make sure we're trying to open a tab on the added table
openTabCommand.TableNumber = addTableCommand.Number;
// Act
var result = await _fixture.SendAsync(openTabCommand);
// Assert
await _helper.AssertTabExists(
t => t.IsOpen == true &&
t.WaiterName == hireWaiterCommand.ShortName &&
t.CustomerName == openTabCommand.CustomerName);
public async Task CanOpenTabOnARecentlyFreedTable(Guid tabId, int tableNumber)
// Arrange
await _helper.OpenTabOnTable(tabId, tableNumber);
await _helper.CloseTab(tabId, 1);
var commandToTest = new OpenTab
Id = Guid.NewGuid(),
CustomerName = "Customer",
TableNumber = tableNumber
// Act
var result = await _fixture.SendAsync(commandToTest);
// Assert
await _helper.AssertTabExists(
t => t.IsOpen == true &&
t.TableNumber == tableNumber);
public async Task CanAddMenuItems(MenuItemView[] itemsToAdd)
// Arrange
var command = new AddMenuItems
MenuItems = itemsToAdd
// Act
var result = await _fixture.SendAsync(command);
// Assert
var itemsInDb = await _fixture.ExecuteDbContextAsync(dbContext => dbContext
itemsInDb.ShouldAllBe(i => itemsToAdd.Any(addedItem =>
i.Number == addedItem.Number &&
i.Description == addedItem.Description &&
i.Price == addedItem.Price));
public async Task CannotAddConflictingMenuItemsWhenAllAreConflicting(MenuItemView[] itemsToAdd)
// Arrange
var command = new AddMenuItems
MenuItems = itemsToAdd
await _fixture.SendAsync(command);
// Act
var result = await _fixture.SendAsync(command);
// Assert
You can find out more by taking a look at the tests assembly.
4. Real-time communication using SignalR
Issue orders:
Call waiter/ request bill:
Getting Started
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
If you have Docker installed you can just double-click
If not, you'll need to have PostgreSql either installed locally or at least have some instance available to set up the connection strings.
You'll also need at least version 2.2
of the .NET Core SDK
Running the API
Note that you can point both the event-store and the relational connection to the same database
Using Docker
- Execute
. You should have a client running at http://localhost:3000 and api at http://localhost:5000
Using Visual Studio
- Open the
file using Visual Studio - Set up the connection strings inside
- Execute
inside thePackage Manager Console
- Run the application
Using the dotnet
- Open the project folder inside your favorite editor
- Set up the connection strings inside
- Execute
dotnet ef database update
inside theCafe.Api
folder - Execute
dotnet run
- Go to
(or whatever port you're running it on)
Running the client
Using Docker
- Execute
. You should have a client running at http://localhost:3000 and API at http://localhost:5000
Using npm
- While in the context of the
folder - Run
npm i
- Run
npm start
Running the tests
Note that you can point both the event-store and the relational connection to the same database
Using Docker
- Simply run
Using Visual Studio or the dotnet
- Set up the connection strings inside
to a valid database. (if you point it to an unexisting one, the app will create it for you) - Either run them through the
Test Explorer
in Visual Studio or usingdotnet test
If you feel like contributing, PRs are welcome!
This project is licensed under the MIT License.