

FastAPI-based API Client Generator

Generate a mypy- and IDE-friendly API client from an OpenAPI spec.

Look inside example/client to see an example of the generated output!

Warning: This is still in the proof-of-concept phase, and should not yet be considered to have a stable interface.

If you try this out, please help me by reporting any issues you notice!

Client library usage

from client.api_client import ApiClient, AsyncApis, SyncApis
from client.models import Pet

client = ApiClient(host="http://localhost")
sync_apis = SyncApis(client)
async_apis = AsyncApis(client)

pet_1 = sync_apis.pet_api.get_pet_by_id(pet_id=1)
assert isinstance(pet_1, Pet)

async def get_pet_2() -> Pet:
    pet_2 = await async_apis.pet_api.get_pet_by_id(pet_id=2)
    assert isinstance(pet_2, Pet)
    return pet_2

The example generated client library is contained in example/client.

Generated clients will have the following dependencies:

More examples of usage (including auth) are contained in example/usage_example.py.

Generating the client library

Using the generator looks like

./scripts/generate.sh -i <openapi_json> -p <package_name> -o <output_path>
  [-n <import_name>] [--include-auth]
  [--] [*openapi-generator-args]

and will produce a client library at <output_path>/<package_name>.

The OpenAPI json input can be either a URL or a local file path.

For example, running

./scripts/generate.sh \
  -i https://petstore.swagger.io/v2/swagger.json \
  -p client \
  -o generated \
  -n example.client \

produces the example client (along with the OAuth2.0 password flow client), places it in generated/client, and makes any generated client-referencing imports start with example.client.

(Note: to prevent accidental overwrites, you would need to manually remove generated/client if it already exists.)

With FastAPI

With package metadata

If you want generate not only a code, but also a package metadata (e.g. setup.py) for publishing or distributing autogenerated client you can use a --with-meta flag.

Generation details


There are a variety of make rules for setup/testing; here are some highlights:

Pull requests are welcome and appreciated!