

Erlang Localtime

Public exports




utc_to_local(DateTime, TimeZone) → DateTime | {error, Reason}

local_to_utc(DateTime, TimeZone) → DateTime | {error, Reason}

local_to_local(DateTime, TimeZoneFrom, TimeZoneTo) → DateTime | {error, Reason}

tz_name(DateTime, TimeZone) → ZoneName | {error, Reason}

tz_shift(DateTime, TimeZone) → 0 | ZoneShift | {error, Reason}

tz_shift(DateTime, TimeZoneFrom, TimeZoneTo) → 0 | ZoneShift | {error, Reason}


Aabbreviation is just used to find appropriate timezone name. If you want to convert "MSK""PDT", but source timezone is not in daylight saving, it will be corrected by library and "MSK""PST" conversion will be made.

Examples of usage

Converts UTC time to local one

localtime:utc_to_local({{2010, 7, 22}, {17, 56, 23}}, "Europe/Moscow").

Converts local time to UTC one

localtime:local_to_utc({{2010, 10, 10}, {21, 56, 23}}, "Europe/Moscow").

Converts time from one local timezone to another local one

localtime:local_to_local({{2010, 10, 10}, {21, 56, 23}}, "Europe/Moscow", "Australia/Sydney").

Returns timezone name

localtime:tz_name({{2010, 10, 10}, {21, 56, 23}}, "Europe/Moscow").

localtime:tz_name({{2010,10,11},{3,56,23}}, "Australia/Sydney").

Calculates time difference between UTC and local one

localtime:tz_shift({{2013, 01, 22}, {18, 17, 00}}, "Europe/Moscow").

localtime:tz_shift({{2013, 01, 22}, {18, 17, 00}}, "America/New York").

Calculates time difference between two local timezones

localtime:tz_shift({{2013, 01, 22}, {18, 17, 00}}, "America/New York", "Europe/Moscow").