<!-- is generated from README.Rmd. Please edit that file -->bunny <img src="man/figures/logo.png" align="right" />
<!-- badges: start --> <!-- badges: end -->The goal of bunny
is to provide useful helper functions for working
with magick
You can install the released version of bunny from Github with:
#install.packages("bunny") # not yet
Pixel operations
This is a basic example which shows you how to solve a common problem:
## basic example code
frink <- image_read("")
image_getpixel(frink, geometry_point(100,100))
#> [1] "#ffd521ff"
Other than extracting color from individual pixels, bunny
can also
draw on images:
frink <- image_read("")
image_plot(frink, geometry_area(50,35,80,150), "red")
<img src="man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-2-1.png" width="20%" />
image_plot(frink, geometry_point(70,70), "red")
<img src="man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-2-2.png" width="20%" />
Hough lines operations
can help you tidy up the Hough Lines mvg object, returned by
. Lets detect straight lines in the bunny
img <- image_read("data-raw/bunny_hex.png")
img_prep <- img %>% image_convert(type="Grayscale") %>%
image_threshold("black") %>%
image_canny() %>%
image_morphology("Close", "Diamond")
img_prep %>%
image_hough_draw(geometry="50x50+200",overlay = TRUE)
<img src="man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-3-1.png" width="20%" />
Hough Lines are retuned in plain text object (mvg
format). Let’s tidy
up that text and make it more suitable for analysis.
returns a list, which, among other things
contains data frame describing lines and another data frame describing
line intersections.
hough <- img_prep %>%
image_hough_txt(geometry="50x50+200") %>%
#> line_id line_bbox line_plength line_slope line_intercept
#> 1 line_1 0 298.623 1042 -302.976 598 -0.5773503 298.623
#> 2 line_2 0.5 0 0.5 1200 607 Inf -Inf
#> 3 line_3 0 -301.821 1042 299.778 597 0.5773503 -301.821
#> 4 line_4 1040.5 0 1040.5 1200 605 Inf -Inf
#> 5 line_5 0 1500.67 1042 899.067 598 -0.5773541 1500.670
#> 6 line_6 0 900.222 1042 1501.82 597 0.5773493 900.222
#> line_angle
#> 1 -30.00000
#> 2 90.00000
#> 3 30.00000
#> 4 90.00000
#> 5 -30.00017
#> 6 29.99996
#> line_id_1 line_id_2 xsect_x xsect_y xsect_angle
#> 1 line_1 line_2 0.5000 298.3343 NaN
#> 2 line_1 line_3 519.9997 -1.5990 60.00000
#> 9 line_2 line_6 0.5000 900.5107 NaN
#> 10 line_3 line_4 1040.5000 298.9120 NaN
#> 13 line_4 line_5 1040.5000 899.9330 NaN
#> 15 line_5 line_6 520.0019 1200.4448 60.00013
Stay tuned for more exciting functions…