

Segment, Magnify and Reiterate Detecting Camouflaged Objects the Hard Way (CVPR2022)


Segment, Magnify and Reiterate: Detecting Camouflaged Objects the Hard Way. Jia Qi and Yao Shuilian and Liu Yu and Fan Xin and Liu Risheng and Luo Zhongxuan. CVPR2022.

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The training and testing experiments are conducted using PyTorch with a single Tesla V100 GPU of 36 GB Memory.

1. Prerequisites

Note that SegMaR is only tested on Ubuntu OS with the following environments.

2. Downloading Training and Testing Datasets

3. Training Configuration

4. Testing Configuration

5. Sampler Operation

6. Evaluation


    author    = {Jia, Qi and Yao, Shuilian and Liu, Yu and Fan, Xin and Liu, Risheng and Luo, Zhongxuan},
    title     = {Segment, Magnify and Reiterate: Detecting Camouflaged Objects the Hard Way},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
    month     = {June},
    year      = {2022},
    pages     = {4713-4722}