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The UKIS-pysat package provides generic classes and functions to access and process multi-spectral and SAR satellite images.


Work with you local satellite data files and read information out of file names and metadata files. Currently, focusing on Sentinel-1.


Reading satellite data and performing simple, but cumbersome tasks. This is just a layer on top of rasterio for stuff we often need. It can very well be that using rasterio directly is often the better choice.

Read the documentation for more details: https://ukis-pysat.readthedocs.io.


Here's an example about some basic features, it might also help to read through the tests. ###Sentinel Dataset

# import all the required libraries
from ukis_pysat.file import get_sentinel_scene_from_dir
from ukis_pysat.raster import Image

# get sentinel scene from directory
with get_sentinel_scene_from_dir("/users/username/tmp") as (full_path, ident):
    with Image(full_path.join("pre_nrcs.tif")) as img:
        # scale the image array, having one band
        img.arr = img.arr * 0.3

For working with the Landsat we need an item id for downloading the product Check Pystac documentation for more functionality on STAC.


The easiest way to install ukis-pysat is through pip. Be aware, that Rasterio requires GDAL >= 1.11, < 3.1.

Most users will want to do this:

pip install ukis-pysat[complete]  # install everything

There's also some lighter versions with less dependencies:

pip install ukis-pysat  # only install core dependencies (ukis_pysat.file can be used)

pip install ukis-pysat[data]  # also install dependencies for ukis_pysat.data

pip install ukis-pysat[raster]  # also install dependencies for ukis_pysat.raster

Some helper functions might need additional dependencies like pandas, dask[array] or utm. If this is the case you will receive an ImportError.


For the latest list of dependencies check the requirements.


The UKIS team creates and adapts libraries which simplify the usage of satellite data. Our team includes (in alphabetical order):

German Aerospace Center (DLR)


This software is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.

Copyright (c) 2020 German Aerospace Center (DLR) * German Remote Sensing Data Center * Department: Geo-Risks and Civil Security


See changelog.


The UKIS team welcomes contributions from the community. For more detailed information, see our guide on contributing if you're interested in getting involved.

What is UKIS?

The DLR project Environmental and Crisis Information System (the German abbreviation is UKIS, standing for Umwelt- und Kriseninformationssysteme aims at harmonizing the development of information systems at the German Remote Sensing Data Center (DFD) and setting up a framework of modularized and generalized software components.

UKIS is intended to ease and standardize the process of setting up specific information systems and thus bridging the gap from EO product generation and information fusion to the delivery of products and information to end users.

Furthermore, the intention is to save and broaden know-how that was and is invested and earned in the development of information systems and components in several ongoing and future DFD projects.