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(Concepts-enabled) Functional Abstraction Layer for C++

Cefal is a C++20 header-only library with abstractions over basic functional programming concepts (and using C++20 concepts).

It is more a research pet project than a production-ready library (especially keeping in mind it compiles only on GCC/master for now).

Tests exist though and benchmarks as well.

See examples for general idea about what it looks like or check src/dummy.cpp.


Available typeclasses


Has empty and append functions. For sake of performance helpers::SingletonFrom exists that can be used to wrap single element of monoidal container and pass it as right operand to append to avoid extra memory allocations.



Has foldLeft function.



Has unit and map functions. Also provides innerMap function for Functor of Functors.



Has flatMap function and also is a Functor. Also provides innerFlatMap function for Functor of Monads.



Has filter function. Also provides innerFilter function for Functor of Filterables.



Has as function. Allows to modify the shape.



All typeclasses can be loaded with cefal/cefal header. No instances are loaded automatically, they need to be loaded on one-by-one basis (cefal/everything.h exists though with all the instances added, but is not recommended to use).

All concepts are in cefal::concepts namespace.

All instances should be implemented in cefal::instances namespace.

All operations are in cefal::ops namespace and can be used either through pipe operator or with currying.

Lvalue vs rvalue

All operations on lvalue operands expect constref arguments of functions, passed to them (except accumulator for foldLeft, which is rvalue).

All operations on rvalue operands can work with rvalue as well.

The only exception is operations on ranges. They are done in compliance with how ranges work and on both lvalue and rvalue expect either constref or ref (from where it is possible to move). Be aware though that moving from ranges operation sometimes can be more expensive than copying due to extensive optimizations compilers could do on ranges. For example, check mutable vs immutable benchmarks for map() on ranges for case when it works with Expensive<int> and converts it to different type. On -O3 level immutable benchmark is faster roughly 2-3 times.


Due to cefal being mostly a wrapper around std or user implementations - overhead should be minimal.

For std::containers and map/filter operations few non-pure optimizations are in place to provide performance similar to using std algorithms. Cefal also contains Catch2-based benchmarks for std::containers as for something that can be both heavy enough to process and comparable with other implementation (std algorithms).

Ranges-based benchmarks are available as well, but their numbers are not presented below due to being the same across std::ranges::views and cefal::ops.

For benchmarks we use next value types:

Container sizes are not the same for different containers (otherwise it would either take too much time for slow ones or too less for fast ones), so different containers can't be compared, but containers used for cefal and std are the same size:

Multi versions of sets are also benchmarked, but are similar to single-entry sets and are omitted in results below for brevity.

There are two types of benchmarks:

Std references:

Map benchmarks transform container to same type (to make it similar between lvalue and rvalue).

Filter benchmarks are also divided by percentage of items that are accepted.

All values are from mean section of catch2 benchmarks in milliseconds (captured on MBP15'2014 with i7).

Std library is from GCC/master (commit 73dd051894b8293d35ea1c436fa408c404b80813, April 1 2020) and all benchmarks are built with -O3.

map() for int

Immutable cefal23.028183.42558.21229.58521.12728.19321.389
Immutable std27.566182.48557.71426.92219.71627.41818.953
Mutable cefal2.9984.1916.87510.8576.68910.9126.491
Mutable std3.0074.2589.540N/AN/AN/AN/A

map() for Expensive

Typevectorlistdequesetunordered_setmapmap 2unordered_map
Immutable cefal60.76665.03261.07772.30774.97876.55576.55374.536
Immutable std67.38365.15161.07675.57374.24277.11390.50472.470
Mutable cefal0.0520.1020.0342.0511.9542.3782.6211.958
Mutable std15.69216.07416.077N/AN/AN/AN/AN/A

filter() for int

Immutable cefal40.74443.75149.75453.39955.552
Immutable std45.55145.62348.69748.26148.471
Mutable cefal37.46637.47537.41937.51437.774
Mutable std37.24737.44640.52340.47940.574
Immutable cefal21.10847.12994.010139.376164.344
Immutable std185.323191.391196.062191.282184.193
Mutable cefal98.67583.86959.21830.94114.719
Mutable std88.46379.78161.18224.53810.800
Immutable cefal47.50553.60664.65776.67079.651
Immutable std88.11386.78986.09786.73883.507
Mutable cefal59.53956.14251.80146.97243.073
Mutable std59.42556.51851.88247.13143.188
Immutable cefal4.1427.35313.85620.53825.234
Immutable std24.65423.56322.44821.92220.884
Mutable cefal11.6889.4446.1593.2572.109
Mutable std11.3979.3756.3323.2492.075
Immutable cefal4.4976.82310.94514.87319.134
Immutable std17.76717.24216.95217.33116.105
Mutable cefal9.1917.5834.2942.4111.219
Mutable std9.2117.5894.3372.5311.173
Immutable cefal4.3808.13614.58821.91226.258
Immutable std24.81323.84422.64222.02921.045
Mutable cefal11.6429.6346.4363.5912.157
Mutable std11.6739.4766.2783.3452.078
Immutable cefal4.8317.40311.79516.06919.637
Immutable std18.38318.71017.37016.85416.475
Mutable cefal9.7167.9784.6542.5551.308
Mutable std9.6078.0184.5512.4991.230

filter() for Expensive

Immutable cefal11.62929.25458.91589.071106.378
Immutable std68.323114.938283.82697.74664.673
Mutable cefal34.50056.911157.36638.7978.523
Mutable std34.47956.636156.91038.9538.597
Immutable cefal6.20815.70631.76947.63257.195
Immutable std65.37166.36567.93866.41465.897
Mutable cefal40.17381.944241.91146.6289.073
Mutable std32.85328.31720.10610.9785.090
Immutable cefal6.01415.28829.77645.08453.986
Immutable std69.170118.254286.198100.66865.932
Mutable cefal39.75980.341240.85247.4818.812
Mutable std39.69978.960244.60147.2008.718
Immutable cefal21.83431.49748.26665.36776.619
Immutable std68.91468.63167.96967.64467.901
Mutable cefal33.82129.16020.65211.2345.362
Mutable std33.87929.12520.67211.2025.342
Immutable cefal21.80231.02147.71778.14577.942
Immutable std68.04767.80168.69469.27967.614
Mutable cefal33.65228.70420.57011.3675.485
Mutable std33.44028.77821.76511.2255.457
Immutable cefal7.17618.08834.95453.14563.102
Immutable std83.86687.06082.87183.90685.545
Mutable cefal33.76830.11821.74011.4705.764
Mutable std48.07143.94035.72225.03119.477
Immutable cefal7.50217.51034.28363.61965.634
Immutable std84.98385.64785.59784.45783.882
Mutable cefal35.04330.76521.95511.5995.544
Mutable std50.34644.92636.23325.99919.650

Observations on benchmark results

As a general conclusion: there are for sure few cases where cefal shows itself worse than direct usage of std algorithm (not tremendously though), but there are also a lot of cases where cefal works faster by 1-2 orders of magnitude (especially in case of move-efficient types) and in remaining cases it is on par with std.

Cefal lacks laziness, but it can be achieved with std::ranges (cefal has partial support for them as Foldable, Functor and Filterable).


Piped form

std::list<std::vector<int>> result =
    cefal::unit<std::vector>(3) | cefal::ops::map          ([](int x) { return ops::unit<std::vector>(x); })
                                | cefal::ops::innerFilter  ([](int x) { return x % 2; })
                                | cefal::ops::innerFlatMap ([](int x) { return std::vector{x + 1, x + 2}; })
                                | cefal::ops::innerMap     ([](int x) { return x * 3; })
                                | cefal::ops::as<std::list>();
auto rawToResult = cefal::ops::flatMap([](RawResult&& raw){ return maybeGetResult(std::move(raw)); };
std::optional<int> result = maybeGetRawResult() | rawToResult
                                                | cefal::ops::map([](Result&& x) { return x.value(); });

Curried form

auto mapper = cefal::ops::map([](int x) { return x * 3; });
auto result = mapper(cefal::unit<std::vector>(3));
auto left = cefal::unit<std::vector>(3);
auto anotherResult = cefal::ops::map([](int x) { return x * 3; })(left);

Ranges materialization

std::map<int, std::string> source = /*...*/;

std::unordered_map<int, std::string> mapResult =
    source | std::views::filter([](const auto& x) {return x.first % 2; })
           | cefal::ops::as<std::unordered_map>();

std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> vectorResult =
    source | std::views::transform([](const auto& x) {return std::make_pair(std::to_string(x.first), x.second); })
           | cefal::ops::as<std::vector>();

Custom class support

template <typename T>
class MyClass {
  // ...

namespace cefal::instances {
template <typename T>
struct Functor<MyClass<T>> {
  static MyClass<T> unit(T x) {
    MyClass<T> result;
    return result;

  static auto map(const MyClass<T>& src, Func&& func) {
    using U = std::invoke_result_T<Func, T>;
    MyClass<U> result;
    return result;

MyClass<int> from = cefal::ops::unit<MyClass>(42);
MyClass<double> result = from | cefal::ops::map([](int x) -> double { return x * 2.0; });

Custom class support through class methods

template <typename T>
class MyClass {
  static MyClass<T> unit(T x) {
    MyClass<T> result;
    return result;

  auto map(Func&& func) {
    using U = std::invoke_result_T<Func, T>;
    MyClass<U> result;
    return result;
  // ...

MyClass<int> from = cefal::ops::unit<MyClass>(42);
MyClass<double> result = from | cefal::ops::map([](int x) -> double { return x * 2.0; });