korittg zsh prompt theme
Minimalistic yet informative zsh theme.
- Current directory (no full path)
- Git project and branch
- Kubernetes context and namespace (using kube-ps1 zsh plugin, if installed)
- Single line prompt
- Works well within all kinds of terminals and colors
The main porpuse for this theme was displaying information about current Kubernetes context and namespace, as well as optically fitting nicely into terminal emulators embedded into IntelliJ (and the like), VSCode, iTerm (including dark and light color profiles), and so on.
Place korittg.zsh-theme into your oh-my-zsh custom theme directory (usually ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/themes
Then edit your .zshrc
to use the theme:
If you want Kubernetes integration, you need to install the kube-ps1 plugin:
plugins=(... kube-ps1 ...)