


Malware detection using learning and information retrieval for Android


MADLIRA is a tool for Android malware detection. It consists in two components: TFIDF component and SVM learning component. In gerneral, it takes an input a set of malwares and benwares and then extracts the malicious behaviors (TFIDF component) or computes training model (SVM classifier). Then, it uses this knowledge to detect malicious behaviors in the Android application.


Download file MADLIRA.7z and decompress it.

Installed Data:


This tool have two main components: TFIDF component and SVM component.

TFIDF component

Command: java -jar MADLIRA TFIDF

For this component, there are two functions: the training function (Malicious behavior extraction) and the test function (Malicious behavior detection)

Malicious behavior extraction

MADLIRA TFIDF packAPK -PB benignApkFolder -B benignPack -PM maliciousApkFolder -M maliciousPack
java -jar MADLIRA TFIDF train -B benignPack -M maliciousPack

Malicious behavior detection

java -jar MADLIRA TFIDF check -S checkApk


java -jar MADLIRA TFIDF train <Options>
        Compute the malicious specifications for given training data.
                -B <filename>: the archive file contains all graphs of training benwares.
                -M <filename>: the archive file contains all categories of training malwares.

java -jar MADLIRA TFIDF check <Options>
        Check malicious behaviors in the given applications in a folder.
                -S <folder>: the folder contains all applications (apk files).

java -jar MADLIRA TFIDF test <Options>
        Test the classifier for a given test data.
                -S <folder>: the folder contains all graphs for testing.

java -jar MADLIRA TFIDF clear
        Clean all training data.

java -jar MADLIRA TFIDF install
        Clean old training data and install a new data for training.
                -B <filename>: the archive file contains all graphs of training benwares.
                -M <filename>: the archive file contains all categories of training malwares.


Training new data:

java -jar MADLIRA TFIDF packAPK -PB BenApkFolder -B BenPack -PM MalApkFolder -M MalPack
java -jar MADLIRA TFIDF clear
java -jar MADLIRA TFIDF train -B BenPack -M MalPack

Checking new applications:

java -jar MADLIRA TFIDF check -S checkApk

Output: output

SVM component

Command: java -jar MADLIRA SVM

For this component, there are two functions: the training function and the test function.

Training phase

java -jar MADLIRA SVM packAPK -PB benignApkFolder -B benignPack -PM maliciousApkFolder -M maliciousPack
java -jar MADLIRA SVM train -B benignPack -M maliciousPack

Malicious behavior detection

java -jar MADLIRA SVM check -S checkApk


java -jar MADLIRA SVM train <Options>
        Compute the classifier for given training data.
                -T <T>: max length of the common walks (default value = 3).
                -l <lambda>: lambda value to control the importance of length of walks (default value = 0.4).
                -B <filename>: the archive file contains all graphs of training benwares.
                -M <filename>: the archive file contains all graphs of training malwares.

java -jar MADLIRA SVM check <Options>
        Check malicious behaviors in the applications in a folder.
                -S <foldername>: the folder contains all apk files.

java -jar MADLIRA SVM test <Options>
        Test the classifier for given graph data.
                -S <foldername>: the folder contains all graphs of test data.
                -n <n>: the number of test samples.

java -jar MADLIRA SVM clear
        Clean all training data.


This tool uses the following packages:
