

erlazure (v0.2) Build Status

Erlazure is a library for accessing Windows Azure Storage Services. The API is subject to change.

Service APIs implemented:


Erlazure requires OTP version R16+.

Implemented API functions

Starting an instance of erlazure

Start an instance of erlazure by calling erlazure:new/2 where Account is Storage account name and Key is Storage account key.

{ok, State} = erlazure:new(Account, Key)

Account and Key are strings.

Using an emulated service like Azurite

%% default dev credentials from Azurite
Account = "devstoreaccount1".
Key = "Eby8vdM02xNOcqFlqUwJPLlmEtlCDXJ1OUzFT50uSRZ6IFsuFq2UVErCz4I6tq/K1SZFPTOtr/KBHBeksoGMGw==".
%% Mind the trailing slash at the end of the endpoint.
{ok, State} = erlazure:new(#{account => Account, key => Key, endpoint => ""})

Calling Azure services

Almost each azure services request has three corresponding functions in erlazure module, the first has minimal set of parameters, the second has additionaly list of Options.

Options as the name states is list of options supported by this azure services request, each options is tuple {OptionName, OptionValue} where OptionName is atom and OptionValue can be of any type, option is passed either as a header or as a query string parameter.

For a list of supported options for each azure service request please consult msdn documentation.


Upload block blob

{ok, State} = erlazure:new("storage", "2o4b4tHpoWifLU+BlyzsIG1VtlO9LgBRFyl1qLw/+w9/ZszSxKGIK8JYac/UEJp5r8HKgiOiG8YTqGS9otAYWA=="),
{ok, Binary} = file:read("/path/to/some/small/file"),
{ok, created} = erlazure:put_block_blob(State, "uploads", "test_upload.file", Binary).

Get 20 messages from a queue

Retrieves max 20 messages from a queue

{ok, State} = erlazure:new("storage", "2o4b4tHpoWifLU+BlyzsIG1VtlO9LgBRFyl1qLw/+w9/ZszSxKGIK8JYac/UEJp5r8HKgiOiG8YTqGS9otAYWA=="),
{ok, Messages} = erlazure:get_messages(State, "test_queue", [{num_of_messages, 20}]).


Copyright © 2013–2015 Dmitriy Kataskin

Licensed under BSD License (see LICENSE).