Expand SPARQL queries to perform inference on multiple endpoints.
Main documentation
Find more information on our wiki page:
java -jar target/SPARQLFederator-1.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar -domain_ontology examples/domain.owl -federation_ontology examples/federation.owl -exec print -query ''
"-exec print" will print the expanded query; "-exec run" would execute it and yield results (that is, if there are working endpoints as defined on example/federation.owl)
"" is the full IRI of the class you're querying for (see -domain_ns for saving space); try it with other classes (like B, or C). Add axioms and your own classes to domain.owl, but keep in mind SPARQLFederator implemented semantics (see the wiki).
It is mandatory to specify at least the domain ontology file, the federation ontology file, and one or more classes for querying.
usage: SPARQLFederator [options] <DOMAIN_CLASS> [...]
-query <query> The query to be expanded (or run) in the syntax specified by -query_type
-domain_ns <arg> The domain namespace (if specified, will be appended before each of the queryied DOMAIN_CLASSes)
-domain_ontology <arg> The domain ontology file
-federation_ontology <arg> The federation ontology file
-help Shows the help message
-ontocloud_ns <arg> The federation namespace (default value:
-optimizer <arg> Execute a query optimizer: 'simple' (default) or 'none'
-planner <arg> Execute a query planner: 'simple' (default) or 'none'
-query_type <arg> The accepted query type: 'simple' (default) or 'sparql' (not implemented)
-stats Display statistics for queries
DEBUG compiling and running:
mvn clean package
mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="" -Dexec.args="-federation_ontology federation_ontology.owl -domain_ontology domain_ontology.owl -domain_ns domainNamespace# class1 [,classn]"
Production Compiling
mvn clean compile assembly:single