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A small JSON API server for delivering notifications using Apprise.

This service is suitable as a sidecar service to another service in a container-based cluster.


These are quickstart instructions using Docker Compose.

  1. Copy app.env.example to app.env
  2. Set NOTIFICATION_URLS in app.env according to the documentation. You can add multiple targets, separated by commas.
  3. Start the container:
    docker-compose up
  4. In another terminal, you should now be able to trigger a notification using curl:
    curl -X POST --data '{"title": "my notification title", "body": "what a great notification service!"}' localhost:5000

See the file docker-compose.example.yml for a better example on how this supposed to work.

Using secrets

If running on a docker swarm cluster docker secrets can be used to set the notification URLS to avoid leaking credentials through environment variables:

  1. Set up the secret with the same content as you would with the regular environment variable
  2. Attach the secret to the service
  3. Set the NOTIFICATION_URLS_FILE to the path where the secret is mounted in the service