

PWC Net TensorFlow

Tensorflow implementation of Pyramid, Warping and Cost Volume (PWC) Networks based on the paper presented at CVPR 2018.<br /> Currently, main.py simply downloads the FlyingChairs Dataset and starts training, following the outlined schedule.<br /> This code could easily be adapted to train on other datasets though.<br /><br />

Tested Environment

Ubuntu 16.04<br /> Python3<br /> Tensorflow 1.8<br /> Cuda 9.0<br />


This repo uses 3 custom written tensorfow ops in c++

The correlation op was taken from this tensorflow implementation of UnFlow by Simon Meister<br /> The ppm and flo decoding ops were taken from this collection of tf ops, from the Computer Vision Group, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg<br />


python3 main.py

A tensorboard session will automatically be started in a new tmux window (so that the visualisations are still available after the python session has ended).<br /> This tensorboard session will log the training/validation losses, as well as giffs of the flow as it trains.

Some general hyperparameters regarding the logging of data can be changed through task.py<br /> Other hyperparameters relating to the training schedule can be changed in the constructor of network.py<br /> The default training/validation split is to have 90% training, with 10% left for validation. <br />

Example visualisations following training

From left to right, the images below indicate rgb image, ground truth flow, predicted flow, flow error<br />

Examples from the training set:<br />

Example Training Flow Result 1<br /> Example Training Flow Result 2<br /> Example Training Flow Result 3<br /> Example Training Flow Result 4<br />

Examples from the validation set:<br />

Example Validation Flow Result 1<br /> Example Validation Flow Result 2<br /> Example Validation Flow Result 3<br /> Example Validation Flow Result 4<br />

Example Training Loss

This is an example of the loss when training on the full flying chairs dataset (no validation was used on this occassion).<br />

Example Loss<br />