



SharpChromium is a .NET 4.0+ CLR project to retrieve data from Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, and Microsoft Edge Beta. Currently, it can extract:

Note: All cookies returned are in JSON format. If you have the extension Cookie Editor installed, you can simply copy and paste into the "Import" seciton of this browser addon to ride the extracted session.


This rewrite has several advantages to previous implementations, which include:


    .\SharpChromium.exe arg0 [arg1 arg2 ...]

    all       - Retrieve all Chromium Cookies, History and Logins.
    full      - The same as 'all'
    logins    - Retrieve all saved credentials that have non-empty passwords.
    history   - Retrieve user's history with a count of each time the URL was
                visited, along with cookies matching those items.
    cookies [domain1.com domain2.com] - Retrieve the user's cookies in JSON format.
                                        If domains are passed, then return only
                                        cookies matching those domains. Otherwise,
                                        all cookies are saved into a temp file of
                                        the format ""%TEMP%\$browser-cookies.json""


Retrieve cookies associated with Google Docs and Github

.\SharpChromium.exe cookies docs.google.com github.com


Retrieve history items and their associated cookies.

.\SharpChromium.exe history


Retrieve saved logins (Note: Only displays those with non-empty passwords):

.\SharpChromium.exe logins


Notes on the SQLite Parser

The SQLite database parser is slightly bugged. This is due to the fact that the parser correctly detects data blobs as type System.Byte[], but it does not correctly detect columns of type System.Byte[]. As a result, the byte arrays get cast to the string literal "System.Byte[]", which is wrong. I haven't gotten to the root of this cause, but as a quick and dirty workaround I have encoded all blob values as Base64 strings. Thus if you wish to retrieve a value from a column whose regular data values would be a byte array, you'll need to Base64 decode them first.

Special Thanks

A large thanks to @plainprogrammer for their C#-SQLite project which allowed for native parsing of the SQLite files without having to reflectively load a DLL. Without their work this project would be nowhere near as clean as it is. That project can be found here: https://github.com/plainprogrammer/csharp-sqlite

Thanks to @gentlekiwi whose work on Mimikatz guided the rewrite for the decryption schema in v80+

Thanks to @harmj0y who carved out the requisite PInvoke BCrypt code so I could remove additional dependencies from this project, making it light-weight again.