

Inline Style Extension for the HTMLWebpackPlugin

This package extends the html-webpack-plugin functionality by inlining existing styles to HTML elements using juice.

You might want to use this to automate email generation with webpack.

The following input provided by the HTMLWebpackPlugin:


will result in

<div style="color: red;"></div>

To include your style source/link into your document as shown above, have a look at html-webpack-inline-source-plugin


You must be running webpack on node 6.4 or higher

Install the plugin with npm:

$ npm install --save-dev html-webpack-inline-style-plugin

Install the plugin with yarn:

$ yarn add --dev html-webpack-inline-style-plugin

Basic Usage

Require the plugin in your webpack config:

var HtmlWebpackInlineStylePlugin = require('html-webpack-inline-style-plugin');

Add the plugin to your webpack config as follows:

	plugins: [
	  new HtmlWebpackPlugin(),
	  new HtmlWebpackInlineStylePlugin()

With Juice options:

	plugins: [
	  new HtmlWebpackPlugin(),
	  new HtmlWebpackInlineStylePlugin({
	    juiceOptions: {
	      removeStyleTags: false