


Hashcat WPA/WPA2 server

Yet another WPA/WPA2 hashes cracker web server. Powered by HashCat. The backend is written in Python Flask.

Supported capture file formats:

The server utilizes Hashcat Brain transparently for the user (the user is allowed to activate and deactivate the feature). HashBrain allows skipping already tried password candidates - useful in combination with hashcat rules or when you restore the progress you ran the other day.

Every password cracking researcher is proud of his/her wordlists and rules. Here is my strategy of checking the most probable passwords that require only a few minutes to run on any laptop or Raspberry Pi. The strategy is marked as '(fast)' among wordlist choices in UI. They are all run in the BaseAttack.run_all() method:


Check out a running server on a CPU instance: To surf the site, login with the guest:guest credentials. (Yes, you don't have the permissions to start jobs. Contact me if necessary.)

Command line interface

You can quickly test a handshake file against non-secure passwords, in other words, run the (fast) mode from a terminal:

python app/attack/base_attack.py /path/to/handshake.22000
optional arguments:
  --fast      Run ESSID+digits attack with fewer examples. Default: turned off
  --extra     Run extra attacks (names UA)

** Note ** This will take ~1 minute to run for the first time to download necessary files.


Directly on your host machine

Run the following commands from the root hashcat-wpa-server folder:

pip install -r requirements.txt  # required only once

HASHCAT_ADMIN_USER=admin HASHCAT_ADMIN_PASSWORD=<your-secret-password> gunicorn app:app

Docker containers

Using Docker Hub

There are 4 docker tags (platforms):

For example, to run the latest tag (makes sense only if you have at least one GPU), open a terminal and run

docker run --gpus all -d \
    -e HASHCAT_ADMIN_USER=admin \
    -e HASHCAT_ADMIN_PASSWORD=<your-secret-password> \
    -v ${HOME}/.hashcat/wpa-server:/root/.hashcat/wpa-server \
    -p 9111:80 \

If you don't have a GPU, try intel-cpu or pocl tag:

docker run -d \
    -e HASHCAT_ADMIN_USER=admin \
    -e HASHCAT_ADMIN_PASSWORD=<your-secret-password> \
    -v ${HOME}/.hashcat/wpa-server:/root/.hashcat/wpa-server \
    -p 9111:80 \

That's all! Navigate to localhost:9111. The captured handshakes, user-defined wordlists and rules, and the SQL database will be stored in the ~/.hashcat/wpa-server folder.

Building the image locally

git clone https://github.com/dizcza/hashcat-wpa-server.git
cd hashcat-wpa-server/docker

# Set environment variables and create the home directory
mkdir -p ~/.hashcat/wpa-server
export HASHCAT_ADMIN_PASSWORD=<your-secret-password>

# Build & run
docker compose build
docker compose up

If you want to build an image targeting a specific platform, pass it as the branch arg to the build command:

docker compose build --build-arg branch=cuda

Available targets & platforms are shown in the readme header.

User wordlists

Hashcat-wpa-server app is shipped with the default Top-xxx-probable wordlists. If you want to make use of your custom wordlists, place them in the ~/.hashcat/wpa-server/wordlists folder (create one).
