

Divolte Collector usage examples

Contained here are some common usage examples of Divolte Collector. Here you will find:

Before You Begin


For specific examples we assume some familiarity with the tools used, such as Apache Kafka, Hadoop or Apache Spark. We don't go into the details of installing and configuring these. If you do want to try the Hadoop examples, but don't know how to setup Hadoop locally, we recommend using the Quickstart VM from Cloudera which contains Cloudera's CDH distribution.

Javadoc Click Stream Data

All the examples above are based on a Divolte Collector setup that collects click stream data for Javadoc pages. Since all generated Javadoc pages use the same URL layout, it should work with the Javadocs for any project of your choice. To generate Divolte Collector enabled Javadoc for your project, you can use the following command from the source directory of your project:

    -bottom '<script src="//localhost:8290/divolte.js" defer async></script>' \
    -subpackages .

Note that if you have a special source encoding you should add -encoding "YOUR_ENCODING" (e.g. -encoding "ISO-8859-1") to the command.

For convenience, the javadoc-commons-lang-divolte.tar.gz archive contains a pre-built set of Javadoc for the Apache Commons Lang project.


<small>* Divolte Collector itself needs Java 8 as do some of the examples. Any Java libraries we ship for use in third party applications are compatible with Java 7 and above.</small>