


Maven miner is a set of java tools aiming at, programmatically, resolving all Maven dependencies hosted in the Maven central repository, then, storing them into a graph database. First, the maven central index is resolved and transformed into a flat file, containing all the hosted dependencies using the maven-indexer tool. Note, this tool is inspired by the aether-examples project. Later, this file can be passed to the maven-miner tool in order to collect dependency requests for each artifact available in the file. Each artifact is then visited and persisted in a graph database. We rely on Neo4j, a well-known graph database, to persist the maven dependency graph.

User guide

General Prerequisites

Maven indexer

usage: java -jar maven-miner-indexer.jar
 -f,--to-file <path>         File path to retrieve artifacts coordinates list.
                             If not specified, the maven central index is used
                             instead. Note, artifacts are per line and come in
                             the form groupId:artifactId:version.
-q,--queue <host:ip>         Hostname and port of the RabbitMQ broker. Note, URI
                             comes in the form hostname:port
-t,--to-file                 Dumping the index into a file with name
                             allArtifacsInfo. Note the args \'t\' and \'q\' are
                             mutually exclusive, only one should be provided"
 -h,--help                   Show help

Maven miner on standalone mode

usage: java -cp maven-miner-aether.jar
  -db,--database <arg>        Path to store the neo4j database. REQUIRED!
  -f,--file <arg>             Path to artifacts coordinates list file. Note,
                              artifacts are per line
  -p,--pretty-printer <arg>   Path to the output file stream. Optional
  -r,--resolve-jars           Actionning jars resolution and classes count.
                              Not activated by default!
  -h,--help                   Show help

Maven miner on message passing mode (only when the indexer is used in producer mode with the argument -q)

usage: java -cp maven-miner-aether.jar
  -db,--database <host:ip>    Hostname and port of the neo4j server. REQUIRED!
  -q,--queue <path>           Hostname and port of the RabbitMQ broker. Note, URI
                              comes in the form hostname:port
  -p,--pretty-printer <path>  Path to the output file stream. Optional
  -r,--resolve-jars           Actionning jars resolution and classes count.
                              Not activated by default!
  -h,--help                   Show help

Using Maven-miner with Docker

This repository comes along with a set of scripts in order to prepare a ready-to-use docker machine, to create and launch a container, and to mine the maven central. Regardless of the docker execution mode you are opting for, it is recommended to package the tool using the scrpit below.

Packaging the Maven project

After cloning the repository on your local machine or remote server, you will simply need to execute the prepare.sh script. It is responsible of packaging the maven project and moving it to the files folder.

usage: prepare.sh
user@ubuntu/path/to/repository$ ./prepare.sh

Running maven-miner inside a container

Once the packages are built and moved to the files folder, you may build and run the maven miner using the buildAndRun.sh script as shown below:

Usage: buildAndRun-batch.sh
user@ubuntu$ ~/path/to/repository/buildAndRun.sh
  --file <arg>             Path to artifacts info version. Optional!
  --database <arg>         Path to database. Optional!
                           |maven-index.db/| is used by default.
  --results <arg>          Path to the host results folder. Required
  --resolve-jars           Actionning jars resolution and classes count. Optional
  --rebuild                Activates the build of the docker image build

Running maven-miner inside a docker node using docker-compose

The following script assumes that you didn't change the default port numbers of Neo4j and RabbitMQ:

  --n-consumer            Number of consumers to be deployed
  --neo4j-dump            Local path to dump neo4j data and logs

Running maven-miner inside a docker swarm node using docker stack

The following script assumes that you didn't change the default port numbers of Neo4j and RabbitMQ:

  --n-consumer            Number of consumers to be deployed
  --neo4j-dump            Local path to dump neo4j data and logs