


Automatic splash screen resizing for Cordova. Add splash.png to the root folder of your Cordova project and use cordova-splash-gm to automatically resize, crop, copy and configure the splash screen for all current Android and iOS devices.

Manual usage

  1. npm install -g cordova-splash-gm
  2. Place splash.png to the root folder of your Cordova project
  3. Run cordova-splash-gm.

Automated usage

  1. npm install cordova-splash-gm --save-dev

  2. Create my-splash-hook.js

    var splash = require('cordova-splash-gm');
    module.exports = function() {
      return splash.generate();
  3. Add hook to config.xml

    <hook src="my-splash-hook.js" type="after_platform_add" />

That's it. Now every time you cordova add platform, the splash screens will be auto generated.



All credit goes to Alex Disler for his cordova-icon module, from which this project is forked from. The main changes are node's imagemagick module is deprecated in favor of gm and the plugin can be used as a module in hooks.
