

Plume in Noir

License: MIT Noir CI 🌌

Plume is needed to confirm your identity without disclosing your private data, i.e. zero-knowledge proof. Plume has another feature: you can send a message from a private group using special group message. For more details visit https://blog.aayushg.com/nullifier/.

How to use?

Add dependency to your project's Nargo.toml

plume = { git = "https://github.com/distributed-lab/noir-plume", tag = "v0.1.0", directory = "crates/plume"}

Use in your Noir code as following

use plume::plume_v1;


plume_v1(msg, c, s, pk, nullifier);

Or in case you prefer 2 version:

use plume::plume_v2;


plume_v2(msg, c, s, pk, nullifier);


See the example in crates/use. For proving data generation, check out our SageMath implementation.


We have provided information regarding different computational statistics such as constraints amount and time for various activities, see Benchmark.md


Message Lenght Restriction

Due to Noir specifics and generics limitations, message length is hardcoded to be constant value 32. In case you need to change it, see constants.nr.


In order to bring in PLUME to Noir, we needed to implement secp256k1_XMD:SHA-256_SSWU_RO_ hash-to-curve algorithm.

Based on this description.
Testes using this data.

The algorithm


Input: msg, an arbitrary-length byte string.
Output: P, a point in the secp256k1 curve.

1. u = hash_to_field(msg)
2. Q0 = map_to_curve(u[0])
3. Q1 = map_to_curve(u[1])
4. P = iso_map(Q0) + iso_map(Q1)
5. return P

Implemented in hash_to_field.nr.
Follows the algorithm described here.


Implemented in map_to_curve.nr.
Follows the algorithm described here.


Implemented in iso_map.nr.
Follows the algorithm described here.

Elliptic Curve operations

Implemented in ec_ops.nr.
Follows the algorithm described here.