

This is an improvement of the original reflective DLL injection technique by Stephen Fewer of Harmony Security. It uses bootstrap shellcode (x86 or x64) to allow calling any export of the DLL from the reflective loader. See An Improved Reflective DLL Injection Technique for a detailed description.


Reflective DLL injection is a library injection technique in which the concept of reflective programming is employed to perform the loading of a library from memory into a host process. As such the library is responsible for loading itself by implementing a minimal Portable Executable (PE) file loader. It can then govern, with minimal interaction with the host system and process, how it will load and interact with the host.

Injection works from Windows NT4 up to and including Windows 8, running on x86 and x64.


The process of remotely injecting a library into a process is two fold. Firstly, the library you wish to inject must be written into the address space of the target process (Herein referred to as the host process). Secondly the library must be loaded into that host process in such a way that the library's run time expectations are met, such as resolving its imports or relocating it to a suitable location in memory.

Assuming we have code execution in the host process and the library we wish to inject has been written into an arbitrary location of memory in the host process, Reflective DLL Injection works as follows.


Open the 'rdi.sln' file in Visual Studio C++ and build the solution in Release mode to make inject.exe and reflective_dll.dll


To test, run inject.exe using an arbitrary test string and the PID of a process to inject into, e.g.:

inject.exe foobar 1234


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